The primary interface for an application to have Crashpad monitor it for crashes. More...
#include "client/crashpad_client.h"
Public Types | |
using | FirstChanceHandler = bool (*)(int, siginfo_t*, ucontext_t*) |
The type for custom handlers installed by clients. | |
using | ProcessPendingReportsObservationCallback = std::function<void()> |
Observation callback invoked each time this object finishes processing and attempting to upload on-disk crash reports (whether or not the uploads succeeded). | |
Public Member Functions | |
CrashpadClient (const CrashpadClient &)=delete | |
CrashpadClient & | operator= (const CrashpadClient &)=delete |
bool | StartHandler (const base::FilePath &handler, const base::FilePath &database, const base::FilePath &metrics_dir, const std::string &url, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &annotations, const std::vector< std::string > &arguments, bool restartable, bool asynchronous_start, const std::vector< base::FilePath > &attachments={}) |
Starts a Crashpad handler process, performing any necessary handshake to configure it. | |
bool | SetHandlerSocket (ScopedFileHandle sock, pid_t pid) |
Sets the socket to a presumably-running Crashpad handler process which was started with StartHandler(). | |
bool | StartJavaHandlerAtCrash (const std::string &class_name, const std::vector< std::string > *env, const base::FilePath &database, const base::FilePath &metrics_dir, const std::string &url, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &annotations, const std::vector< std::string > &arguments) |
Installs a signal handler to execute /system/bin/app_process and load a Java class in response to a crash. | |
bool | StartHandlerWithLinkerAtCrash (const std::string &handler_trampoline, const std::string &handler_library, bool is_64_bit, const std::vector< std::string > *env, const base::FilePath &database, const base::FilePath &metrics_dir, const std::string &url, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &annotations, const std::vector< std::string > &arguments) |
Installs a signal handler to start a Crashpad handler process by loading it with /system/bin/linker . | |
bool | StartHandlerAtCrash (const base::FilePath &handler, const base::FilePath &database, const base::FilePath &metrics_dir, const std::string &url, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &annotations, const std::vector< std::string > &arguments, const std::vector< base::FilePath > &attachments={}) |
Installs a signal handler to launch a handler process in reponse to a crash. | |
void | SetUnhandledSignals (const std::set< int > &unhandled_signals) |
Configures a set of signals that shouldn't have Crashpad signal handlers installed. | |
bool | SetHandlerMachService (const std::string &service_name) |
Sets the process’ crash handler to a Mach service registered with the bootstrap server. | |
bool | SetHandlerMachPort (base::apple::ScopedMachSendRight exception_port) |
Sets the process’ crash handler to a Mach port. | |
base::apple::ScopedMachSendRight | GetHandlerMachPort () const |
Retrieves a send right to the process’ crash handler Mach port. | |
bool | SetHandlerIPCPipe (const std::wstring &ipc_pipe) |
Sets the IPC pipe of a presumably-running Crashpad handler process which was started with StartHandler() or by other compatible means and does an IPC message exchange to register this process with the handler. Crashes will be serviced once this method returns. | |
std::wstring | GetHandlerIPCPipe () const |
Retrieves the IPC pipe name used to register with the Crashpad handler. | |
bool | WaitForHandlerStart (unsigned int timeout_ms) |
When asynchronous_start is used with StartHandler(), this method can be used to block until the handler launch has been completed to retrieve status information. | |
bool | RegisterWerModule (const std::wstring &full_path) |
Register a DLL using WerRegisterExceptionModule(). | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static bool | GetHandlerSocket (int *sock, pid_t *pid) |
Retrieve the socket and process ID for the handler. | |
static bool | InitializeSignalStackForThread () |
Uses sigaltstack() to allocate a signal stack for the calling thread. | |
static bool | StartJavaHandlerForClient (const std::string &class_name, const std::vector< std::string > *env, const base::FilePath &database, const base::FilePath &metrics_dir, const std::string &url, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &annotations, const std::vector< std::string > &arguments, int socket) |
Executes /system/bin/app_process and loads a Java class. | |
static bool | StartHandlerWithLinkerForClient (const std::string &handler_trampoline, const std::string &handler_library, bool is_64_bit, const std::vector< std::string > *env, const base::FilePath &database, const base::FilePath &metrics_dir, const std::string &url, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &annotations, const std::vector< std::string > &arguments, int socket) |
Starts a Crashpad handler process with an initial client by loading it with /system/bin/linker . | |
static bool | StartHandlerForClient (const base::FilePath &handler, const base::FilePath &database, const base::FilePath &metrics_dir, const std::string &url, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &annotations, const std::vector< std::string > &arguments, int socket) |
Starts a handler process with an initial client. | |
static void | DumpWithoutCrash (NativeCPUContext *context) |
Requests that the handler capture a dump even though there hasn't been a crash. | |
static void | CrashWithoutDump (const std::string &message) |
Disables any installed crash handler, not including any FirstChanceHandler and crashes the current process. | |
static void | SetFirstChanceExceptionHandler (FirstChanceHandler handler) |
Installs a custom crash signal handler which runs before the currently installed Crashpad handler. | |
static void | SetLastChanceExceptionHandler (bool(*handler)(int, siginfo_t *, ucontext_t *)) |
Installs a custom crash signal handler which runs after the currently installed Crashpad handler. | |
static bool | StartCrashpadInProcessHandler (const base::FilePath &database, const std::string &url, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &annotations, ProcessPendingReportsObservationCallback callback) |
Configures the process to direct its crashes to the iOS in-process Crashpad handler. | |
static void | ProcessIntermediateDumps (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &annotations={}) |
Requests that the handler convert intermediate dumps into minidumps and trigger an upload if possible. | |
static void | ProcessIntermediateDump (const base::FilePath &file, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &annotations={}) |
Requests that the handler convert a single intermediate dump at file generated by DumpWithoutCrashAndDeferProcessingAtPath into a minidump and trigger an upload if possible. | |
static void | StartProcessingPendingReports (UploadBehavior upload_behavior=UploadBehavior::kUploadWhenAppIsActive) |
Requests that the handler begin in-process uploading of any pending reports. | |
static void | DumpWithoutCrash (NativeCPUContext *context) |
Requests that the handler capture an intermediate dump even though there hasn't been a crash. The intermediate dump will be converted to a mindump immediately. If StartProcessingPendingReports() has been called, this will also trigger an upload. | |
static void | DumpWithoutCrashAndDeferProcessing (NativeCPUContext *context) |
Requests that the handler capture an intermediate dump even though there hasn't been a crash. The intermediate dump will not be converted to a mindump until ProcessIntermediateDumps() is called. | |
static void | DumpWithoutCrashAndDeferProcessingAtPath (NativeCPUContext *context, const base::FilePath path) |
Requests that the handler capture an intermediate dump and store it in path, even though there hasn't been a crash. The intermediate dump will not be converted to a mindump until ProcessIntermediateDump() is called. | |
static void | ResetForTesting () |
Unregister the Crashpad client. Intended to be used by tests so multiple Crashpad clients can be started and stopped. Not expected to be used in a shipping application. | |
static void | SetMachExceptionCallbackForTesting (void(*callback)()) |
Inject a callback into Mach handling. Intended to be used by tests to trigger a reentrant exception. | |
static uint64_t | GetThreadIdForTesting () |
Returns the thread id of the Mach exception thread, used by tests. | |
static void | DumpWithoutCrash (const CONTEXT &context) |
Requests that the handler capture a dump even though there hasn't been a crash. | |
static void | DumpAndCrash (EXCEPTION_POINTERS *exception_pointers) |
Requests that the handler capture a dump using the given exception_pointers to get the EXCEPTION_RECORD and CONTEXT . | |
static bool | DumpAndCrashTargetProcess (HANDLE process, HANDLE blame_thread, DWORD exception_code) |
Requests that the handler capture a dump of a different process. | |
static void | UseSystemDefaultHandler () |
Configures the process to direct its crashes to the default handler for the operating system. | |
The primary interface for an application to have Crashpad monitor it for crashes.
using crashpad::CrashpadClient::ProcessPendingReportsObservationCallback = std::function<void()> |
Observation callback invoked each time this object finishes processing and attempting to upload on-disk crash reports (whether or not the uploads succeeded).
This callback is copied into this object. Any references or pointers inside must outlive this object.
The callback might be invoked on a background thread, so clients must synchronize appropriately.
static |
Disables any installed crash handler, not including any FirstChanceHandler and crashes the current process.
[in] | message | A message to be logged before crashing. |
static |
Requests that the handler capture a dump using the given exception_pointers to get the EXCEPTION_RECORD
This function is not necessary in general usage as an unhandled exception filter is installed by StartHandler() or SetHandlerIPCPipe().
[in] | exception_pointers | An EXCEPTION_POINTERS , as would generally passed to an unhandled exception filter. |
static |
Requests that the handler capture a dump of a different process.
The target process must be an already-registered Crashpad client. An exception will be triggered in the target process, and the regular dump mechanism used. This function will block until the exception in the target process has been handled by the Crashpad handler.
This function is unavailable when running on Windows XP and will return false
[in] | process | A HANDLE identifying the process to be dumped. |
[in] | blame_thread | If non-null, a HANDLE valid in the caller's process, referring to a thread in the target process. If this is supplied, instead of the exception referring to the location where the exception was injected, an exception record will be fabricated that refers to the current location of the given thread. |
[in] | exception_code | If blame_thread is non-null, this will be used as the exception code in the exception record. |
if the exception was triggered successfully.
static |
Requests that the handler capture a dump even though there hasn't been a crash.
[in] | context | A CONTEXT , generally captured by CaptureContext() or similar. |
static |
Requests that the handler capture a dump even though there hasn't been a crash.
A handler must have already been installed before calling this method.
TODO(jperaza): Floating point information in the context is zeroed out until CaptureContext() supports collecting that information.
[in] | context | A NativeCPUContext, generally captured by CaptureContext() or similar. |
static |
Requests that the handler capture an intermediate dump even though there hasn't been a crash. The intermediate dump will be converted to a mindump immediately. If StartProcessingPendingReports() has been called, this will also trigger an upload.
For internal use only. Clients should use CRASHPAD_SIMULATE_CRASH().
A handler must have already been installed before calling this method.
[in] | context | A NativeCPUContext, generally captured by CaptureContext() or similar. |
static |
Requests that the handler capture an intermediate dump even though there hasn't been a crash. The intermediate dump will not be converted to a mindump until ProcessIntermediateDumps() is called.
For internal use only. Clients should use CRASHPAD_SIMULATE_CRASH_AND_DEFER_PROCESSING().
A handler must have already been installed before calling this method.
[in] | context | A NativeCPUContext, generally captured by CaptureContext() or similar. |
static |
Requests that the handler capture an intermediate dump and store it in path, even though there hasn't been a crash. The intermediate dump will not be converted to a mindump until ProcessIntermediateDump() is called.
For internal use only. Clients should use CRASHPAD_SIMULATE_CRASH_AND_DEFER_PROCESSING_AT_PATH().
A handler must have already been installed before calling this method.
[in] | context | A NativeCPUContext, generally captured by CaptureContext() or similar. |
[in] | path | The path for writing the intermediate dump. |
std::wstring crashpad::CrashpadClient::GetHandlerIPCPipe | ( | ) | const |
Retrieves the IPC pipe name used to register with the Crashpad handler.
This method is only defined on Windows.
This method retrieves the IPC pipe name set by SetHandlerIPCPipe(), or a suitable IPC pipe name chosen by StartHandler(). It must only be called after a successful call to one of those methods. It is intended to be used to obtain the IPC pipe name so that it may be passed to other processes, so that they may register with an existing Crashpad handler by calling SetHandlerIPCPipe().
. base::apple::ScopedMachSendRight crashpad::CrashpadClient::GetHandlerMachPort | ( | ) | const |
Retrieves a send right to the process’ crash handler Mach port.
This method is only defined on macOS.
This method can be used to obtain the crash handler Mach port when a Crashpad client process wishes to provide a send right to this port to another process. The IPC mechanism used to convey the right is under the application’s control. If the other process wishes to become a client of the same crash handler, it can provide the transferred right to SetHandlerMachPort().
See StartHandler() for more detail on how the port and handler are configured.
on failure with a message logged.
static |
Retrieve the socket and process ID for the handler.
must have successfully been called before calling this method.
[out] | sock | The socket connected to the handler, if not nullptr . |
[out] | pid | The handler's process ID, if not nullptr . |
on success. Otherwise false
with a message logged.
static |
Uses sigaltstack()
to allocate a signal stack for the calling thread.
This method allocates an alternate stack to handle signals delivered to the calling thread and should be called early in the lifetime of each thread. Installing an alternate stack allows signals to be delivered in the event that the call stack's stack pointer points to invalid memory, as in the case of stack overflow.
This method is called automatically by SetHandlerSocket() and the various StartHandler() methods. It is harmless to call multiple times. A new signal stack will be allocated only if there is no existing stack or the existing stack is too small. The stack will be automatically freed when the thread exits.
An application might choose to diligently call this method from the start routine for each thread, call it from a pthread_create()
wrapper which the application provides, or link the provided "client:pthread_create" target.
on success. Otherwise false
with a message logged.
static |
Requests that the handler convert a single intermediate dump at file generated by DumpWithoutCrashAndDeferProcessingAtPath into a minidump and trigger an upload if possible.
A handler must have already been installed before calling this method. This method should be called when an application is ready to start processing previously created intermediate dumps. Processing will block, so this should not be called on the main UI thread.
[in] | file | The intermediate dump to process. |
[in] | annotations | Process annotations to set in each crash report. Useful when adding crash annotations detected on the next run after a crash but before upload. |
static |
Requests that the handler convert intermediate dumps into minidumps and trigger an upload if possible.
A handler must have already been installed before calling this method. This method should be called when an application is ready to start processing previously created intermediate dumps. Processing will block, so this should not be called on the main UI thread. No intermediate dumps will be processed until this method is called.
[in] | annotations | Process annotations to set in each crash report. Useful when adding crash annotations detected on the next run after a crash but before upload. |
bool crashpad::CrashpadClient::RegisterWerModule | ( | const std::wstring & | full_path | ) |
Register a DLL using WerRegisterExceptionModule().
This method should only be called after a successful call to SetHandlerIPCPipe() or StartHandler(). The registration is valid for the lifetime of this object.
[in] | full_path | The full path to the DLL that will be registered. The DLL path should also be set in an appropriate Windows Error Reporting registry key. |
if the DLL was registered. Note: Windows just stashes the path somewhere so this returns true
even if the DLL is not yet set in an appropriate registry key, or does not exist.
static |
Installs a custom crash signal handler which runs before the currently installed Crashpad handler.
Handling signals appropriately can be tricky and use of this method should be avoided, if possible.
A handler must have already been installed before calling this method.
The custom handler runs in a signal handler context and must be safe for that purpose.
If the custom handler returns true
, the signal is considered handled and the signal handler returns. Otherwise, the currently installed Crashpad signal handler is run.
[in] | handler | The custom crash signal handler to install. |
bool crashpad::CrashpadClient::SetHandlerIPCPipe | ( | const std::wstring & | ipc_pipe | ) |
Sets the IPC pipe of a presumably-running Crashpad handler process which was started with StartHandler() or by other compatible means and does an IPC message exchange to register this process with the handler. Crashes will be serviced once this method returns.
This method is only defined on Windows.
This method sets the unhandled exception handler to a local function that when reached will "signal and wait" for the crash handler process to create the dump.
[in] | ipc_pipe | The full name of the crash handler IPC pipe. This is a string of the form "\\.\pipe\NAME" . |
on success and false
on failure. bool crashpad::CrashpadClient::SetHandlerMachPort | ( | base::apple::ScopedMachSendRight | exception_port | ) |
Sets the process’ crash handler to a Mach port.
This method is only defined on macOS.
See StartHandler() for more detail on how the port and handler are configured.
[in] | exception_port | An exception_port_t corresponding to a Crashpad exception handler service. |
on success, false
on failure with a message logged. bool crashpad::CrashpadClient::SetHandlerMachService | ( | const std::string & | service_name | ) |
Sets the process’ crash handler to a Mach service registered with the bootstrap server.
This method is only defined on macOS.
See StartHandler() for more detail on how the port and handler are configured.
[in] | service_name | The service name of a Crashpad exception handler service previously registered with the bootstrap server. |
on success, false
on failure with a message logged. bool crashpad::CrashpadClient::SetHandlerSocket | ( | ScopedFileHandle | sock, |
pid_t | pid ) |
Sets the socket to a presumably-running Crashpad handler process which was started with StartHandler().
This method installs a signal handler to request crash dumps on sock.
[in] | sock | A socket connected to a Crashpad handler. |
[in] | pid | The process ID of the handler, used to set the handler as this process' ptracer. 0 indicates it is not necessary to set the handler as this process' ptracer. -1 indicates that the handler's process ID should be determined by communicating over the socket. |
static |
Installs a custom crash signal handler which runs after the currently installed Crashpad handler.
Handling signals appropriately can be tricky and use of this method should be avoided, if possible.
A handler must have already been installed before calling this method.
The custom handler runs in a signal handler context and must be safe for that purpose.
If the custom handler returns true
, the signal is not reraised.
[in] | handler | The custom crash signal handler to install. |
void crashpad::CrashpadClient::SetUnhandledSignals | ( | const std::set< int > & | unhandled_signals | ) |
Configures a set of signals that shouldn't have Crashpad signal handlers installed.
This method should be called before calling StartHandler(), SetHandlerSocket(), or other methods that install Crashpad signal handlers.
[in] | unhandled_signals | The set of unhandled signals |
static |
Configures the process to direct its crashes to the iOS in-process Crashpad handler.
This method is only defined on iOS.
[in] | database | The path to a Crashpad database. |
[in] | url | The URL of an upload server. |
[in] | annotations | Process annotations to set in each crash report. |
[in] | callback | Optional callback invoked zero or more times on a background thread each time the handler finishes processing and attempting to upload on-disk crash reports. If this callback is empty, it is not invoked. |
on success, false
on failure with a message logged. bool crashpad::CrashpadClient::StartHandler | ( | const base::FilePath & | handler, |
const base::FilePath & | database, | ||
const base::FilePath & | metrics_dir, | ||
const std::string & | url, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | annotations, | ||
const std::vector< std::string > & | arguments, | ||
bool | restartable, | ||
bool | asynchronous_start, | ||
const std::vector< base::FilePath > & | attachments = {} ) |
Starts a Crashpad handler process, performing any necessary handshake to configure it.
This method directs crashes to the Crashpad handler. On macOS, this is applicable to this process and all subsequent child processes. On Windows, child processes must also register by using SetHandlerIPCPipe().
On macOS, this method starts a Crashpad handler and obtains a Mach send right corresponding to a receive right held by the handler process. The handler process runs an exception server on this port. This method sets the task’s exception port for EXC_CRASH
exceptions to the Mach send right obtained. The handler will be installed with behavior EXCEPTION_STATE_IDENTITY | MACH_EXCEPTION_CODES
and thread state flavor MACHINE_THREAD_STATE
. Exception ports are inherited, so a Crashpad handler started here will remain the handler for any child processes created after StartHandler() is called. These child processes do not need to call StartHandler() or be aware of Crashpad in any way. The Crashpad handler will receive crashes from child processes that have inherited it as their exception handler even after the process that called StartHandler() exits.
On Windows, if asynchronous_start is true
, this function will not directly call CreateProcess()
, making it suitable for use in a DllMain()
. In that case, the handler is started from a background thread, deferring the handler's startup. Nevertheless, regardless of the value of asynchronous_start, after calling this method, the global unhandled exception filter is set up, and all crashes will be handled by Crashpad. Optionally, use WaitForHandlerStart() to join with the background thread and retrieve the status of handler startup.
On Fuchsia, this method binds to the exception port of the current default job, and starts a Crashpad handler to monitor that port.
On Linux, this method starts a Crashpad handler, connected to this process via an AF_UNIX
socket pair and installs signal handlers to request crash dumps on the client's socket end.
[in] | handler | The path to a Crashpad handler executable. |
[in] | database | The path to a Crashpad database. The handler will be started with this path as its --database argument. |
[in] | metrics_dir | The path to an already existing directory where metrics files can be stored. The handler will be started with this path as its --metrics-dir argument. |
[in] | url | The URL of an upload server. The handler will be started with this URL as its --url argument. |
[in] | annotations | Process annotations to set in each crash report. The handler will be started with an --annotation argument for each element in this map. |
[in] | arguments | Additional arguments to pass to the Crashpad handler. Arguments passed in other parameters and arguments required to perform the handshake are the responsibility of this method, and must not be specified in this parameter. |
[in] | restartable | If true , the handler will be restarted if it dies, if this behavior is supported. This option is not available on all platforms, and does not function on all OS versions. If it is not supported, it will be ignored. |
[out] | asynchronous_start | If true , the handler will be started from a background thread. Optionally, WaitForHandlerStart() can be used at a suitable time to retreive the result of background startup. This option is only used on Windows. |
[in] | attachments | Vector that stores file paths that should be captured with each report at the time of the crash. |
on success, false
on failure with a message logged. bool crashpad::CrashpadClient::StartHandlerAtCrash | ( | const base::FilePath & | handler, |
const base::FilePath & | database, | ||
const base::FilePath & | metrics_dir, | ||
const std::string & | url, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | annotations, | ||
const std::vector< std::string > & | arguments, | ||
const std::vector< base::FilePath > & | attachments = {} ) |
Installs a signal handler to launch a handler process in reponse to a crash.
The handler process will create a crash dump for this process and exit.
[in] | handler | The path to a Crashpad handler executable. |
[in] | database | The path to a Crashpad database. The handler will be started with this path as its --database argument. |
[in] | metrics_dir | The path to an already existing directory where metrics files can be stored. The handler will be started with this path as its --metrics-dir argument. |
[in] | url | The URL of an upload server. The handler will be started with this URL as its --url argument. |
[in] | annotations | Process annotations to set in each crash report. The handler will be started with an --annotation argument for each element in this map. |
[in] | arguments | Additional arguments to pass to the Crashpad handler. Arguments passed in other parameters and arguments required to perform the handshake are the responsibility of this method, and must not be specified in this parameter. |
[in] | attachments | Attachment paths to pass to the Crashpad handler. The handler will be started with an --attachment argument for each path in this vector. |
on success, false
on failure with a message logged.
static |
Starts a handler process with an initial client.
This method allows a process to launch the handler process on behalf of another process.
[in] | handler | The path to a Crashpad handler executable. |
[in] | database | The path to a Crashpad database. The handler will be started with this path as its --database argument. |
[in] | metrics_dir | The path to an already existing directory where metrics files can be stored. The handler will be started with this path as its --metrics-dir argument. |
[in] | url | The URL of an upload server. The handler will be started with this URL as its --url argument. |
[in] | annotations | Process annotations to set in each crash report. The handler will be started with an --annotation argument for each element in this map. |
[in] | arguments | Additional arguments to pass to the Crashpad handler. Arguments passed in other parameters and arguments required to perform the handshake are the responsibility of this method, and must not be specified in this parameter. |
[in] | socket | The server end of a socket pair. The client end should be used with an ExceptionHandlerClient. |
on success, false
on failure with a message logged. bool crashpad::CrashpadClient::StartHandlerWithLinkerAtCrash | ( | const std::string & | handler_trampoline, |
const std::string & | handler_library, | ||
bool | is_64_bit, | ||
const std::vector< std::string > * | env, | ||
const base::FilePath & | database, | ||
const base::FilePath & | metrics_dir, | ||
const std::string & | url, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | annotations, | ||
const std::vector< std::string > & | arguments ) |
Installs a signal handler to start a Crashpad handler process by loading it with /system/bin/linker
This method is only supported by Android Q+.
[in] | handler_trampoline | The path to a Crashpad handler trampoline executable, possibly located within an apk, e.g. "/data/app/myapk.apk!/myabi/". |
[in] | handler_library | The name of a library exporting the symbol CrashpadHandlerMain() . The path to this library must be present in LD_LIBRARY_PATH . |
[in] | is_64_bit | true if handler_trampoline and handler_library are 64-bit objects. They must have the same bitness. |
[in] | env | A vector of environment variables of the form var=value defining the environment in which to execute app_process . If this value is nullptr , the application's environment at the time of the crash will be used. |
[in] | database | The path to a Crashpad database. The handler will be started with this path as its --database argument. |
[in] | metrics_dir | The path to an already existing directory where metrics files can be stored. The handler will be started with this path as its --metrics-dir argument. |
[in] | url | The URL of an upload server. The handler will be started with this URL as its --url argument. |
[in] | annotations | Process annotations to set in each crash report. The handler will be started with an --annotation argument for each element in this map. |
[in] | arguments | Additional arguments to pass to the Crashpad handler. Arguments passed in other parameters and arguments required to perform the handshake are the responsibility of this method, and must not be specified in this parameter. |
on success, false
on failure with a message logged.
static |
Starts a Crashpad handler process with an initial client by loading it with /system/bin/linker
This method is only supported by Android Q+.
[in] | handler_trampoline | The path to a Crashpad handler trampoline executable, possibly located within an apk, e.g. "/data/app/myapk.apk!/myabi/". |
[in] | handler_library | The name of a library exporting the symbol CrashpadHandlerMain() . The path to this library must be present in LD_LIBRARY_PATH . |
[in] | is_64_bit | true if handler_trampoline and handler_library are 64-bit objects. They must have the same bitness. |
[in] | env | A vector of environment variables of the form var=value defining the environment in which to execute app_process . If this value is nullptr , the application's current environment will be used. |
[in] | database | The path to a Crashpad database. The handler will be started with this path as its --database argument. |
[in] | metrics_dir | The path to an already existing directory where metrics files can be stored. The handler will be started with this path as its --metrics-dir argument. |
[in] | url | The URL of an upload server. The handler will be started with this URL as its --url argument. |
[in] | annotations | Process annotations to set in each crash report. The handler will be started with an --annotation argument for each element in this map. |
[in] | arguments | Additional arguments to pass to the Crashpad handler. Arguments passed in other parameters and arguments required to perform the handshake are the responsibility of this method, and must not be specified in this parameter. |
[in] | socket | The server end of a socket pair. The client end should be used with an ExceptionHandlerClient. |
on success, false
on failure with a message logged. bool crashpad::CrashpadClient::StartJavaHandlerAtCrash | ( | const std::string & | class_name, |
const std::vector< std::string > * | env, | ||
const base::FilePath & | database, | ||
const base::FilePath & | metrics_dir, | ||
const std::string & | url, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | annotations, | ||
const std::vector< std::string > & | arguments ) |
Installs a signal handler to execute /system/bin/app_process
and load a Java class in response to a crash.
[in] | class_name | The fully qualified class name to load, which must define a main() method to be invoked by app_process . Arguments will be passed to this method as though it were the Crashpad handler. This class is expected to load a native library defining crashpad::HandlerMain() and pass the arguments to it. |
[in] | env | A vector of environment variables of the form var=value defining the environment in which to execute app_process . If this value is nullptr , the application's environment at the time of the crash will be used. |
[in] | database | The path to a Crashpad database. The handler will be started with this path as its --database argument. |
[in] | metrics_dir | The path to an already existing directory where metrics files can be stored. The handler will be started with this path as its --metrics-dir argument. |
[in] | url | The URL of an upload server. The handler will be started with this URL as its --url argument. |
[in] | annotations | Process annotations to set in each crash report. The handler will be started with an --annotation argument for each element in this map. |
[in] | arguments | Additional arguments to pass to the Crashpad handler. Arguments passed in other parameters and arguments required to perform the handshake are the responsibility of this method, and must not be specified in this parameter. |
on success, false
on failure with a message logged.
static |
Executes /system/bin/app_process
and loads a Java class.
[in] | class_name | The fully qualified class name to load, which must define a main() method to be invoked by app_process . Arguments will be passed to this method as though it were the Crashpad handler. This class is expected to load a native library defining crashpad::HandlerMain() and pass the arguments to it. |
[in] | env | A vector of environment variables of the form var=value defining the environment in which to execute app_process . If this value is nullptr , the application's current environment will be used. |
[in] | database | The path to a Crashpad database. The handler will be started with this path as its --database argument. |
[in] | metrics_dir | The path to an already existing directory where metrics files can be stored. The handler will be started with this path as its --metrics-dir argument. |
[in] | url | The URL of an upload server. The handler will be started with this URL as its --url argument. |
[in] | annotations | Process annotations to set in each crash report. The handler will be started with an --annotation argument for each element in this map. |
[in] | arguments | Additional arguments to pass to the Crashpad handler. Arguments passed in other parameters and arguments required to perform the handshake are the responsibility of this method, and must not be specified in this parameter. |
[in] | socket | The server end of a socket pair. The client end should be used with an ExceptionHandlerClient. |
on success, false
on failure with a message logged.
static |
Requests that the handler begin in-process uploading of any pending reports.
Once called the handler will start looking for pending reports to upload on another thread. This method does not block.
A handler must have already been installed before calling this method.
[in] | upload_behavior | Controls when the upload thread will run and process pending reports. By default, only uploads pending reports when the application is active. |
static |
Configures the process to direct its crashes to the default handler for the operating system.
On macOS, this sets the task’s exception port as in SetHandlerMachPort(), but the exception handler used is obtained from SystemCrashReporterHandler(). If the system’s crash reporter handler cannot be determined or set, the task’s exception ports for crash-type exceptions are cleared.
Use of this function is strongly discouraged.
bool crashpad::CrashpadClient::WaitForHandlerStart | ( | unsigned int | timeout_ms | ) |
When asynchronous_start
is used with StartHandler(), this method can be used to block until the handler launch has been completed to retrieve status information.
This method should not be used unless asynchronous_start
was true
[in] | timeout_ms | The number of milliseconds to wait for a result from the background launch, or 0xffffffff to block indefinitely. |
if the hander startup succeeded, false
otherwise, and an error message will have been logged.