The main namespace. More...
Namespaces | |
namespace | internal |
The internal namespace, not for public use. | |
namespace | test |
The testing namespace, for use in test code only. | |
Classes | |
class | AgePruneCondition |
A PruneCondition that deletes reports older than the specified number days. More... | |
struct | AlignedAllocator |
A standard allocator that aligns its allocations as requested, suitable for use as an allocator in standard containers. More... | |
class | Annotation |
Base class for an annotation, which records a name-value pair of arbitrary data when set. More... | |
class | AnnotationList |
A list that contains all the currently set annotations. More... | |
struct | AnnotationSnapshot |
class | AuxiliaryVector |
Read the auxiliary vector for a target process. More... | |
class | Base94OutputStream |
This class implements Base94 encoding/decoding, it uses all printable characters except space for encoding, and no padding is required. More... | |
class | BinaryPruneCondition |
A PruneCondition that conjoins two other PruneConditions. More... | |
class | CheckedRange |
Ensures that a range, composed of a base and size, does not overflow its data type. More... | |
class | ChildPortHandshake |
Implements a handshake protocol that allows processes to exchange port rights. More... | |
class | ChildPortServer |
A server interface for the child_port Mach subsystem. More... | |
struct | ClientToServerMessage |
The message passed from client to server by SendToCrashHandlerServer(). More... | |
struct | CodeViewRecordBuildID |
A CodeView record containing an ELF build-id. More... | |
struct | CodeViewRecordPDB20 |
A CodeView record linking to a .pdb 2.0 file. More... | |
struct | CodeViewRecordPDB70 |
A CodeView record linking to a .pdb 7.0 file. More... | |
class | CompositeHTTPBodyStream |
An implementation of HTTPBodyStream that combines an array of several other HTTPBodyStream objects into a single, unified stream. More... | |
class | CompositeMachMessageServer |
Adapts multiple MachMessageServer::Interface implementations for simultaneous use in a single MachMessageServer::Run() call. More... | |
struct | CPUContext |
A context structure capable of carrying the context of any supported CPU architecture. More... | |
struct | CPUContextARM |
A context structure carrying ARM CPU state. More... | |
struct | CPUContextARM64 |
A context structure carrying ARM64 CPU state. More... | |
struct | CPUContextMIPS |
A context structure carrying MIPS CPU state. More... | |
struct | CPUContextMIPS64 |
A context structure carrying MIPS64 CPU state. More... | |
struct | CPUContextRISCV64 |
A context structure carrying RISCV64 CPU state. More... | |
struct | CPUContextX86 |
A context structure carrying 32-bit x86 CPU state. More... | |
struct | CPUContextX86_64 |
A context structure carrying x86_64 CPU state. More... | |
class | CrashpadClient |
The primary interface for an application to have Crashpad monitor it for crashes. More... | |
struct | CrashpadInfo |
A structure that can be used by a Crashpad-enabled program to provide information to the Crashpad crash handler. More... | |
struct | CrashpadInfoClientOptions |
Options represented in a client’s CrashpadInfo structure. More... | |
class | CrashpadInfoReader |
Reads CrashpadInfo structs from another process via a ProcessMemoryRange. More... | |
class | CrashReportDatabase |
An interface for managing a collection of crash report files and metadata associated with the crash reports. More... | |
class | CrashReportDatabaseGeneric |
class | CrashReportDatabaseMac |
A CrashReportDatabase that uses HFS+ extended attributes to store report metadata. More... | |
class | CrashReportDatabaseWin |
class | CrashReportExceptionHandler |
An exception handler that writes crash reports for exceptions to a CrashReportDatabase. More... | |
class | CrashReportUploadThread |
A thread that processes pending crash reports in a CrashReportDatabase by uploading them or marking them as completed without upload, as desired. More... | |
class | CrosCrashReportExceptionHandler |
An exception handler that writes crash reports to the ChromeOS crash_reporter. More... | |
class | DatabaseSizePruneCondition |
A PruneCondition that deletes older reports to keep the total Crashpad database size under the specified limit. More... | |
class | DebugRendezvous |
Reads an r_debug struct defined in <link.h> via ProcessMemoryRange. More... | |
class | DelimitedFileReader |
Reads a file one field or line at a time. More... | |
class | DirectoryReader |
Iterates over the file and directory names in a directory. More... | |
class | DirectPtraceConnection |
Manages a direct ptrace connection to a process. More... | |
class | ElfDynamicArrayReader |
A reader for ELF dynamic arrays mapped into another process. More... | |
class | ElfImageReader |
A reader for ELF images mapped into another process. More... | |
class | ElfSymbolTableReader |
A reader for symbol tables in ELF images mapped into another process. More... | |
class | ExceptionHandlerClient |
A client for an ExceptionHandlerServer. More... | |
class | ExceptionHandlerProtocol |
class | ExceptionHandlerServer |
Runs the main exception-handling server in Crashpad’s handler process. More... | |
struct | ExceptionInformation |
Structure read out of the client process by the crash handler when an exception occurs. More... | |
class | ExceptionPorts |
A better interface to *_get_exception_ports() and *_set_exception_ports() . More... | |
class | ExceptionSnapshot |
An abstract interface to a snapshot representing an exception that a snapshot process sustained and triggered the snapshot being taken. More... | |
class | FileEncoder |
The class is used to compress and base94-encode, or base94-decode and decompress the given input file to the output file. More... | |
class | FileOutputStream |
The class is used to write data to a file. More... | |
class | FileReader |
A file reader implementation that wraps traditional system file operations on files accessed through the filesystem. More... | |
class | FileReaderHTTPBodyStream |
An implementation of HTTPBodyStream that reads from a FileReaderInterface and provides its contents for an HTTP body. More... | |
class | FileReaderInterface |
An interface to read to files and other file-like objects with semantics matching the underlying platform (POSIX or Windows). More... | |
class | FileSeekerInterface |
An interface to seek in files and other file-like objects with semantics matching the underlying platform (POSIX or Windows). More... | |
class | FileWriter |
A file writer implementation that wraps traditional system file operations on files accessed through the filesystem. More... | |
class | FileWriterInterface |
An interface to write to files and other file-like objects with semantics matching the underlying platform (POSIX or Windows). More... | |
union | FloatContext |
The floating point registers used for an architecture family. More... | |
class | GzipHTTPBodyStream |
An implementation of HTTPBodyStream that gzip -compresses another HTTPBodyStream. More... | |
struct | HandleSnapshot |
class | HTTPBodyStream |
An interface to a stream that can be used for an HTTP request body. More... | |
class | HTTPMultipartBuilder |
This class is used to build a MIME multipart message, conforming to RFC 2046, for use as a HTTP request body. More... | |
class | HTTPTransport |
HTTPTransport executes a HTTP request using the specified URL, HTTP method, headers, and body. This class can only issue a synchronous HTTP request. More... | |
class | ImageAnnotationReader |
Reads Annotations from another process via a ProcessMemoryRange. More... | |
class | InitialClientData |
A container for the data associated with the --initial-client-data method for initializing the handler process on Windows. More... | |
class | InitializationState |
Tracks whether data are initialized. More... | |
class | InitializationStateDcheck |
Tracks whether data are initialized, triggering a DCHECK assertion on an invalid data access. More... | |
class | LengthDelimitedRingBufferReader |
Reads variable-length data buffers from a RingBufferData , delimited by Base128 varint-encoded length delimiters. More... | |
class | LengthDelimitedRingBufferWriter |
Writes variable-length data buffers to a RingBufferData , delimited by Base128 varint-encoded length delimiters. More... | |
class | LogOutputStream |
This class outputs a stream of data as a series of log messages. More... | |
class | MachMessageServer |
Runs a Mach message server to handle a Mach RPC request for MIG servers. More... | |
class | MachOImageAnnotationsReader |
A reader for annotations stored in a Mach-O image mapped into another process. More... | |
class | MachOImageReader |
A reader for Mach-O images mapped into another process. More... | |
class | MachOImageSegmentReader |
A reader for LC_SEGMENT or LC_SEGMENT_64 load commands in Mach-O images mapped into another process. More... | |
class | MachOImageSymbolTableReader |
A reader for symbol tables in Mach-O images mapped into another process. More... | |
class | MemoryMap |
Accesses information about mapped memory in another process. More... | |
class | MemoryMapFuchsia |
A list of mappings in the address space of a Fuchsia process. More... | |
class | MemoryMapRegionSnapshot |
An abstract interface to a snapshot representing a region of the memory map present in the snapshot process. More... | |
class | MemorySnapshot |
An abstract interface to a snapshot representing a region of memory present in a snapshot process. More... | |
class | Metrics |
Container class to hold shared UMA metrics integration points. More... | |
struct | MinidumpAMD64XSaveFormatCetU |
struct | MinidumpAnnotation |
A typed annotation object. More... | |
struct | MinidumpAnnotationList |
A list of annotation objects. More... | |
class | MinidumpAnnotationListWriter |
The writer for a MinidumpAnnotationList object in a minidump file, containing a list of MinidumpAnnotation objects. More... | |
class | MinidumpAnnotationWriter |
The writer for a MinidumpAnnotation object in a minidump file. More... | |
struct | MinidumpByteArray |
A variable-length array of bytes carried within a minidump file. The data have no intrinsic type and should be interpreted according to their referencing context. More... | |
class | MinidumpByteArrayWriter |
Writes a variable-length byte array for a minidump into a. More... | |
struct | MinidumpContextAMD64 |
An x86_64 (AMD64) CPU context (register state) carried in a minidump file. More... | |
class | MinidumpContextAMD64Writer |
The writer for a MinidumpContextAMD64 structure in a minidump file. More... | |
struct | MinidumpContextARM |
A 32-bit ARM CPU context (register state) carried in a minidump file. More... | |
struct | MinidumpContextARM64 |
A 64-bit ARM CPU context (register state) carried in a minidump file. More... | |
class | MinidumpContextARM64Writer |
The writer for a MinidumpContextARM64 structure in a minidump file. More... | |
class | MinidumpContextARMWriter |
The writer for a MinidumpContextARM structure in a minidump file. More... | |
struct | MinidumpContextChunk |
CONTEXT_CHUNK. More... | |
struct | MinidumpContextExHeader |
CONTEXT_EX. More... | |
struct | MinidumpContextMIPS |
A 32bit MIPS CPU context (register state) carried in a minidump file. More... | |
struct | MinidumpContextMIPS64 |
A 32bit MIPS CPU context (register state) carried in a minidump file. More... | |
class | MinidumpContextMIPS64Writer |
The writer for a MinidumpContextMIPS64 structure in a minidump file. More... | |
class | MinidumpContextMIPSWriter |
The writer for a MinidumpContextMIPS structure in a minidump file. More... | |
struct | MinidumpContextRISCV64 |
A 64-bit RISC-V CPU context (register state) carried in a minidump file. More... | |
class | MinidumpContextRISCV64Writer |
The writer for a MinidumpContextRISCV64 structure in a minidump file. More... | |
class | MinidumpContextWriter |
The base class for writers of CPU context structures in minidump files. More... | |
struct | MinidumpContextX86 |
A 32-bit x86 CPU context (register state) carried in a minidump file. More... | |
class | MinidumpContextX86Writer |
The writer for a MinidumpContextX86 structure in a minidump file. More... | |
struct | MinidumpCrashpadInfo |
Additional Crashpad-specific information carried within a minidump file. More... | |
class | MinidumpCrashpadInfoWriter |
The writer for a MinidumpCrashpadInfo stream in a minidump file. More... | |
class | MinidumpExceptionWriter |
The writer for a MINIDUMP_EXCEPTION_STREAM stream in a minidump file. More... | |
class | MinidumpFileWriter |
The root-level object in a minidump file. More... | |
class | MinidumpHandleDataWriter |
The writer for a MINIDUMP_HANDLE_DATA_STREAM stream in a minidump and its contained MINIDUMP_HANDLE_DESCRIPTOR s. More... | |
class | MinidumpMemoryInfoListWriter |
The writer for a MINIDUMP_MEMORY_INFO_LIST stream in a minidump file, containing a list of MINIDUMP_MEMORY_INFO objects. More... | |
class | MinidumpMemoryListWriter |
The writer for a MINIDUMP_MEMORY_LIST stream in a minidump file, containing a list of MINIDUMP_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR objects. More... | |
class | MinidumpMiscInfoWriter |
The writer for a stream in the MINIDUMP_MISC_INFO family in a minidump file. More... | |
class | MinidumpModuleCodeViewRecordBuildIDWriter |
The writer for a CodeViewRecordBuildID object in a minidump file. More... | |
class | MinidumpModuleCodeViewRecordPDB20Writer |
The writer for a CodeViewRecordPDB20 object in a minidump file. More... | |
class | MinidumpModuleCodeViewRecordPDB70Writer |
The writer for a CodeViewRecordPDB70 object in a minidump file. More... | |
class | MinidumpModuleCodeViewRecordWriter |
The base class for writers of CodeView records referenced by MINIDUMP_MODULE::CvRecord in minidump files. More... | |
struct | MinidumpModuleCrashpadInfo |
Additional Crashpad-specific information about a module carried within a minidump file. More... | |
struct | MinidumpModuleCrashpadInfoLink |
A link between a MINIDUMP_MODULE structure and additional Crashpad-specific information about a module carried within a minidump file. More... | |
struct | MinidumpModuleCrashpadInfoList |
Additional Crashpad-specific information about modules carried within a minidump file. More... | |
class | MinidumpModuleCrashpadInfoListWriter |
The writer for a MinidumpModuleCrashpadInfoList object in a minidump file, containing a list of MinidumpModuleCrashpadInfo objects. More... | |
class | MinidumpModuleCrashpadInfoWriter |
The writer for a MinidumpModuleCrashpadInfo object in a minidump file. More... | |
class | MinidumpModuleListWriter |
The writer for a MINIDUMP_MODULE_LIST stream in a minidump file, containing a list of MINIDUMP_MODULE objects. More... | |
class | MinidumpModuleMiscDebugRecordWriter |
The writer for an IMAGE_DEBUG_MISC object in a minidump file. More... | |
class | MinidumpModuleWriter |
The writer for a MINIDUMP_MODULE object in a minidump file. More... | |
struct | MinidumpRVAList |
A list of RVA pointers. More... | |
struct | MinidumpSimpleStringDictionary |
A list of key-value pairs. More... | |
struct | MinidumpSimpleStringDictionaryEntry |
A key-value pair. More... | |
class | MinidumpSimpleStringDictionaryEntryWriter |
The writer for a MinidumpSimpleStringDictionaryEntry object in a minidump file. More... | |
class | MinidumpSimpleStringDictionaryWriter |
The writer for a MinidumpSimpleStringDictionary object in a minidump file, containing a list of MinidumpSimpleStringDictionaryEntry objects. More... | |
class | MinidumpStream |
Stores a minidump stream along with its stream ID. More... | |
class | MinidumpSystemInfoWriter |
The writer for a MINIDUMP_SYSTEM_INFO stream in a minidump file. More... | |
class | MinidumpThreadListWriter |
The writer for a MINIDUMP_THREAD_LIST stream in a minidump file, containing a list of MINIDUMP_THREAD objects. More... | |
class | MinidumpThreadNameListWriter |
The writer for a MINIDUMP_THREAD_NAME_LIST stream in a minidump file, containing a list of MINIDUMP_THREAD_NAME objects. More... | |
class | MinidumpThreadNameWriter |
The writer for a MINIDUMP_THREAD_NAME object in a minidump file. More... | |
class | MinidumpThreadWriter |
The writer for a MINIDUMP_THREAD object in a minidump file. More... | |
class | MinidumpUnloadedModuleListWriter |
The writer for a MINIDUMP_UNLOADED_MODULE_LIST stream in a minidump file, containing a list of MINIDUMP_UNLOADED_MODULE objects. More... | |
class | MinidumpUnloadedModuleWriter |
The writer for a MINIDUMP_UNLOADED_MODULE object in a minidump file. More... | |
class | MinidumpUserExtensionStreamDataSource |
Describes a user extension data stream in a minidump. More... | |
class | MinidumpUserStreamWriter |
The writer for a MINIDUMP_USER_STREAM in a minidump file. More... | |
struct | MinidumpUTF8String |
A variable-length UTF-8-encoded string carried within a minidump file. More... | |
class | MinidumpXSaveAMD64CetU |
struct | MinidumpXSaveAreaHeader |
class | MinidumpXSaveFeatureAMD64 |
Wraps an xsave feature that knows where and how big it is. More... | |
class | ModuleSnapshot |
An abstract interface to a snapshot representing a code module (binary image) loaded into a snapshot process. More... | |
class | NoCfiIcall |
Disables cfi-icall for calls made through a function pointer. More... | |
class | NotifyServer |
A server interface for the notify Mach subsystem. More... | |
class | ObjcExceptionDelegate |
An interface for notifying the CrashpadClient of NSExceptions. More... | |
class | Paths |
Functions to obtain paths. More... | |
class | PEImageAnnotationsReader |
A reader of annotations stored in a PE image mapped into another process. More... | |
class | PEImageReader |
A reader for PE images mapped into another process. More... | |
class | PEImageResourceReader |
A reader for resources stored in PE images mapped into another process. More... | |
class | ProcessInfo |
Gathers information about a process given its HANDLE . This consists primarily of information stored in the Process Environment Block. More... | |
class | ProcessMemory |
Abstract base class for accessing the memory of another process. More... | |
class | ProcessMemoryFuchsia |
Accesses the memory of another Fuchsia process. More... | |
class | ProcessMemoryLinux |
Accesses the memory of another Linux process. More... | |
class | ProcessMemoryMac |
Accesses the memory of another Mach task. More... | |
class | ProcessMemoryRange |
Provides range protected access to the memory of another process. More... | |
class | ProcessMemorySanitized |
Sanitized access to the memory of another process. More... | |
class | ProcessMemoryWin |
Accesses the memory of another Windows process. More... | |
class | ProcessReaderFuchsia |
Accesses information about another process, identified by a Fuchsia process. More... | |
class | ProcessReaderLinux |
Accesses information about another process, identified by a process ID. More... | |
class | ProcessReaderMac |
Accesses information about another process, identified by a Mach task. More... | |
class | ProcessReaderWin |
Accesses information about another process, identified by a HANDLE . More... | |
class | ProcessSnapshot |
An abstract interface to a snapshot representing the state of a process. More... | |
class | ProcessSnapshotFuchsia |
A ProcessSnapshot of a running (or crashed) process running on a Fuchsia system. This class is not yet implemented. More... | |
class | ProcessSnapshotLinux |
A ProcessSnapshot of a running (or crashed) process running on a Linux system. More... | |
class | ProcessSnapshotMac |
A ProcessSnapshot of a running (or crashed) process running on a macOS system. More... | |
class | ProcessSnapshotMinidump |
A ProcessSnapshot based on a minidump file. More... | |
class | ProcessSnapshotSanitized |
A ProcessSnapshot which wraps and filters sensitive information from another ProcessSnapshot. More... | |
class | ProcessSnapshotWin |
A ProcessSnapshot of a running (or crashed) process running on a Windows system. More... | |
class | ProcessSubrangeReader |
A wrapper for ProcessReaderWin that only allows a specific subrange to be read from. More... | |
class | ProcStatReader |
Reads the /proc/[pid]/stat file for a thread. More... | |
class | PruneCondition |
An abstract base class for evaluating crash reports for deletion. More... | |
class | PruneCrashReportThread |
A thread that periodically prunes crash reports from the database using the specified condition. More... | |
class | PruneIntermediateDumpsAndCrashReportsThread |
A thread that periodically prunes crash reports from the database using the specified condition, and any leftover locked intermediate dumps. More... | |
class | PtraceBroker |
Implements a PtraceConnection over a socket. More... | |
class | PtraceClient |
Implements a PtraceConnection over a socket. More... | |
class | PtraceConnection |
Provides an interface for making ptrace requests against a process and its threads. More... | |
class | Ptracer |
Provides an architecturally agnostic interface for collecting information with ptrace . More... | |
class | PtraceStrategyDecider |
Abstract base class for deciding how the handler should ptrace a client. More... | |
class | RangeSet |
A set of VMAddress ranges. More... | |
struct | RegistrationRequest |
A client registration request. More... | |
struct | RegistrationResponse |
A client registration response. More... | |
class | RingBufferAnnotation |
An Annotation which wraps a LengthDelimitedRingBuffer of up to Capacity bytes in length. More... | |
struct | RingBufferData |
Storage for a ring buffer which can hold up to RingBufferCapacity bytes of Base 128-varint delimited variable-length items. More... | |
struct | SanitizationAllowedMemoryRanges |
Describes a list of allowed memory ranges. More... | |
struct | SanitizationInformation |
Struture containing information about how snapshots should be sanitized. More... | |
class | ScopedForbidReturn |
Asserts that a scope must not be exited while unsafe. More... | |
class | ScopedMmap |
Maintains a memory-mapped region created by mmap() . More... | |
class | ScopedProcessSuspend |
Manages the suspension of another process. More... | |
class | ScopedPrSetDumpable |
class | ScopedPrSetPtracer |
class | ScopedPtraceAttach |
Maintains a ptrace() attachment to a process. More... | |
struct | ScopedRegistryKeyCloseTraits |
struct | ScopedRemoveFileTraits |
class | ScopedSetEvent |
Calls SetEvent() on destruction at latest. More... | |
class | ScopedSpinGuard |
A scoped mutual-exclusion guard wrapping a SpinGuardState with RAII semantics. More... | |
class | ScopedTaskSuspend |
Manages the suspension of another task. More... | |
class | Semaphore |
An anonymous in-process counting sempahore. More... | |
union | ServerToClientMessage |
The response sent back to the client via SendToCrashHandlerServer(). More... | |
class | SessionEndWatcher |
Creates a hidden window and waits for a WM_ENDSESSION message, indicating that the session is ending and the application should terminate. More... | |
class | Settings |
An interface for accessing and modifying the settings of a CrashReportDatabase. More... | |
struct | ShutdownRequest |
A message only sent to the server by itself to trigger shutdown. More... | |
class | Signals |
Utilities for handling POSIX signals. More... | |
class | SnapshotMinidumpMemoryWriter |
The base class for writers of memory ranges pointed to by MINIDUMP_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR objects in a minidump file. More... | |
struct | SpinGuardState |
Spinlock state for ScopedSpinGuard . More... | |
class | Stoppable |
An interface for operations that may be Started and Stopped. More... | |
class | StringAnnotation |
An. More... | |
class | StringFile |
A file reader and writer backed by a virtual file, as opposed to a file on disk or other operating system file descriptor-based file. More... | |
class | StringHTTPBodyStream |
An implementation of HTTPBodyStream that turns a fixed string into a stream. More... | |
class | SystemSnapshot |
An abstract interface to a snapshot representing the state of a system, comprising an operating system, CPU architecture, and various other characteristics. More... | |
struct | TestCrashpadInfo |
class | Thread |
Basic thread abstraction. Users should derive from this class and implement ThreadMain(). More... | |
union | ThreadContext |
The set of general purpose registers for an architecture family. More... | |
struct | ThreadInfo |
A collection of ptrace -able information about a thread. More... | |
class | ThreadLogMessages |
Captures log messages produced on the current thread during an object’s lifetime. More... | |
class | ThreadSafeVector |
A wrapper for a std::vector<> that can be accessed safely from multiple threads. More... | |
class | ThreadSnapshot |
An abstract interface to a snapshot representing a thread (lightweight process) present in a snapshot process. More... | |
class | ToolSupport |
Common functions used by command line tools. More... | |
struct | Traits32 |
struct | Traits64 |
class | TSimpleAddressRangeBag |
A bag implementation using a fixed amount of storage, so that it does not perform any dynamic allocations for its operations. More... | |
class | TSimpleStringDictionary |
A map/dictionary collection implementation using a fixed amount of storage, so that it does not perform any dynamic allocations for its operations. More... | |
struct | uint128_struct |
Stores a 128-bit quantity. More... | |
class | UniversalMachExcServer |
A server interface for the exc and mach_exc Mach subsystems, unified to handle exceptions delivered to either subsystem, and simplified to have only a single interface method needing implementation. More... | |
class | UnixCredentialSocket |
Utilities for communicating over SO_PASSCRED enabled AF_UNIX sockets. More... | |
class | UnloadedModuleSnapshot |
Information about an unloaded module that was previously loaded into a snapshot process. More... | |
class | UserMinidumpStream |
Information describing a custom user data stream in a minidump. More... | |
class | UserStreamDataSource |
Extensibility interface for embedders who wish to add custom streams to minidumps. More... | |
struct | UUID |
A universally unique identifier (UUID). More... | |
class | WeakFileHandleFileReader |
A file reader backed by a FileHandle. More... | |
class | WeakFileHandleFileWriter |
A file writer backed by a FileHandle. More... | |
struct | WerRegistration |
Context to be passed to WerRegisterRuntimeExceptionModule(). More... | |
class | WorkerThread |
A WorkerThread executes its Delegate's DoWork method repeatedly on a dedicated thread at a set time interval. More... | |
struct | WritableIoVec |
A version of iovec with a const iov_base field. More... | |
class | ZlibOutputStream |
The class wraps zlib into OutputStreamInterface. More... | |
Typedefs | |
using | UserDataMinidumpStreamHandle = internal::UserDataMinidumpStreamListEntry |
using | RingBufferCapacity = uint32_t |
Capacity of a RingBufferData , in bytes. | |
using | RingBufferAnnotationCapacity = RingBufferCapacity |
Capacity of RingBufferAnnotation , in bytes. | |
using | SimpleAddressRangeBag = TSimpleAddressRangeBag<64> |
A TSimpleAddressRangeBag with default template parameters. | |
using | SimpleStringDictionary = TSimpleStringDictionary<256, 256, 64> |
A TSimpleStringDictionary with default template parameters. | |
using | UserStreamDataSources |
using | MinidumpUTF16StringListWriter |
using | MinidumpUTF8StringListWriter |
using | MinidumpThreadIDMap = std::map<uint64_t, uint32_t> |
A map that connects 64-bit snapshot thread IDs to 32-bit minidump thread IDs. | |
using | FileHandle = int |
Platform-specific alias for a low-level file handle. | |
using | FileOffset = off_t |
Platform-specific alias for a position in an open file. | |
using | ScopedFileHandle = base::ScopedFD |
Scoped wrapper of a FileHandle. | |
using | FileOperationResult = ssize_t |
The return value of read and write calls. | |
using | ScopedRemoveFile |
using | LinuxVMAddress = uint64_t |
Type used to represent an address in a process, potentially across bitness. | |
using | LinuxVMSize = uint64_t |
Type used to represent the size of a memory range (with a LinuxVMAddress), potentially across bitness. | |
using | LinuxVMOffset = int64_t |
Type used to represent an offset from a LinuxVMAddress, potentially across bitness. | |
using | CheckedLinuxAddressRange |
Ensures that a range, composed of a base and a size, does not overflow the pointer type of the process it describes a range in. | |
using | CheckedMachAddressRange |
Ensures that a range, composed of a base and a size, does not overflow the pointer type of the process it describes a range in. | |
using | ConstThreadState = const natural_t* |
A const version of thread_state_t . | |
using | MachMessageDeadline = uint64_t |
The time before which a MachMessageWithDeadline() call should complete. | |
using | VMAddress = uint64_t |
Type used to represent an address in a process, potentially across bitness. | |
using | VMSize = uint64_t |
Type used to represent the size of a memory range (with a VMAddress), potentially across bitness. | |
using | VMOffset = std::make_signed<VMSize>::type |
Type used to represent an offset from a VMAddress, potentially across bitness. | |
using | SymbolicConstantToStringOptions = unsigned int |
A bitfield containing values of SymbolicConstantToStringOptionBits. | |
using | StringToSymbolicConstantOptions = unsigned int |
A bitfield containing values of StringToSymbolicConstantOptionBits. | |
using | HTTPHeaders = std::map<std::string, std::string> |
A map of HTTP header fields to their values. | |
using | CheckedVMAddressRange |
Ensures that a range, composed of a base and a size, does not overflow the pointer type of the process it describes a range in. | |
using | ScopedDIR = base::ScopedGeneric<DIR*, internal::ScopedDIRCloseTraits> |
Maintains a directory opened by opendir . | |
using | ProcessID = pid_t |
Alias for platform-specific type to represent a process. | |
using | ProcessMemoryNative = ProcessMemoryFuchsia |
Alias for platform-specific native implementation of ProcessMemory. | |
template<typename T, size_t Alignment = alignof(T)> | |
using | AlignedVector = std::vector<T, AlignedAllocator<T, Alignment>> |
A std::vector using AlignedAllocator. | |
using | WinVMAddress = uint64_t |
Type used to represent an address in a process, potentially across bitness. | |
using | WinVMSize = uint64_t |
Type used to represent the size of a memory range (with a WinVMAddress), potentially across bitness. | |
using | CheckedWinAddressRange |
Ensures that a range, composed of a base and a size, does not overflow the pointer type of the process it describes a range in. | |
using | ScopedFileHANDLE |
using | ScopedKernelHANDLE |
using | ScopedSearchHANDLE |
using | ScopedVectoredExceptionRegistration |
using | ScopedLocalAlloc |
using | ScopedRegistryKey |
Enumerations | |
enum class | UploadBehavior |
Enum to control upload behavior when processing pending reports. More... | |
enum | MinidumpContextFlags : uint32_t |
Architecture-independent flags for context_flags fields in Minidump context structures. More... | |
enum | MinidumpContextX86Flags : uint32_t |
32-bit x86-specifc flags for MinidumpContextX86::context_flags. More... | |
enum | MinidumpContextAMD64Flags : uint32_t |
x86_64-specific flags for MinidumpContextAMD64::context_flags. More... | |
enum | MinidumpContextARMFlags : uint32_t |
32-bit ARM-specifc flags for MinidumpContextARM::context_flags. More... | |
enum | MinidumpContextARM64Flags : uint32_t |
64-bit ARM-specifc flags for MinidumpContextARM64::context_flags. More... | |
enum | MinidumpContextMIPSFlags : uint32_t |
32bit MIPS-specifc flags for MinidumpContextMIPS::context_flags. Based on minidump_cpu_mips.h from breakpad More... | |
enum | MinidumpContextMIPS64Flags : uint32_t |
64bit MIPS-specifc flags for MinidumpContextMIPS64::context_flags. Based on minidump_cpu_mips.h from breakpad More... | |
enum | MinidumpContextRISCV64Flags : uint32_t |
64-bit RISCV-specific flags for MinidumpContextRISCV64::context_flags. More... | |
enum | MinidumpStreamType : uint32_t |
Minidump stream type values for MINIDUMP_DIRECTORY::StreamType. Each stream structure has a corresponding stream type value to identify it. More... | |
enum | MinidumpCPUArchitecture : uint16_t |
CPU type values for MINIDUMP_SYSTEM_INFO::ProcessorArchitecture. More... | |
enum | MinidumpOSType : uint8_t |
Operating system type values for MINIDUMP_SYSTEM_INFO::ProductType. More... | |
enum | MinidumpOS : uint32_t |
Operating system family values for MINIDUMP_SYSTEM_INFO::PlatformId. More... | |
enum | CPUArchitecture |
A system’s CPU architecture. More... | |
enum class | ProcessSuspensionState : bool |
State of process being read by ProcessReaderWin. More... | |
enum class | FileWriteMode |
Determines the mode that LoggingOpenFileForWrite() uses. More... | |
enum class | FilePermissions : bool |
Determines the permissions bits for files created on POSIX systems. More... | |
enum class | FileLocking : bool |
Determines the locking mode that LoggingLockFile() uses. More... | |
enum class | FileLockingBlocking : bool |
Determines if LoggingLockFile will block. More... | |
enum class | FileLockingResult : int |
The return value for LoggingLockFile. More... | |
enum class | StdioStream |
Determines the FileHandle that StdioFileHandle() returns. More... | |
enum class | XattrStatus |
The result code for a ReadXattr operation. More... | |
enum | : mach_msg_timeout_t |
Special constants used as mach_msg_timeout_t values. More... | |
enum | : MachMessageDeadline |
Special constants used as MachMessageDeadline values. More... | |
enum | SymbolicConstantToStringOptionBits |
Options for various *ToString functions in symbolic_constants_* files. More... | |
enum | StringToSymbolicConstantOptionBits |
Options for various StringTo* functions in symbolic_constants_* files. More... | |
enum class | TriState : uint8_t |
A tri-state value that can be unset, on, or off. More... | |
enum | ExceptionCodes : uint32_t |
Crashpad-specific exception codes that are used as arguments to RaiseException() in unusual circumstances. More... | |
enum | |
enum | |
enum | TerminationCodes : unsigned int |
Crashpad-specific codes that are used as arguments to SafeTerminateProcess() or TerminateProcess() in unusual circumstances. More... | |
enum | |
Functions | |
std::vector< std::string > | BuildHandlerArgvStrings (const base::FilePath &handler, const base::FilePath &database, const base::FilePath &metrics_dir, const std::string &url, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &annotations, const std::vector< std::string > &arguments, const std::vector< base::FilePath > &attachments={}) |
Builds a vector of arguments suitable for invoking a handler process based on arguments passed to StartHandler-type(). | |
void | StringVectorToCStringVector (const std::vector< std::string > &strings, std::vector< const char * > *c_strings) |
Flattens a string vector into a const char* vector suitable for use in an exec() call. | |
std::unique_ptr< CrashReportDatabase > | InitializeInternal (const base::FilePath &path, bool may_create) |
void | InstallObjcExceptionPreprocessor (ObjcExceptionDelegate *delegate) |
Installs the Objective-C exception preprocessor. | |
void | UninstallObjcExceptionPreprocessor () |
Uninstalls the Objective-C exception preprocessor. Expected to be used by tests only. | |
template<RingBufferCapacity Capacity = internal::kDefaultRingBufferDataCapacity> | |
RingBufferData () -> RingBufferData< Capacity > | |
template<typename RingBufferDataType> | |
LengthDelimitedRingBufferReader (RingBufferDataType &) -> LengthDelimitedRingBufferReader< RingBufferDataType > | |
template<typename RingBufferDataType> | |
LengthDelimitedRingBufferWriter (RingBufferDataType &) -> LengthDelimitedRingBufferWriter< RingBufferDataType > | |
size_t | PruneCrashReportDatabase (CrashReportDatabase *database, PruneCondition *condition) |
Deletes crash reports from database that match condition. | |
std::unique_ptr< PruneCondition > | GetDefaultDatabasePruneCondition () |
template<RingBufferAnnotationCapacity Capacity = internal::kDefaultRingBufferAnnotationCapacity> | |
RingBufferAnnotation (Annotation::Type type, const char name[]) -> RingBufferAnnotation< Capacity > | |
void | SimulateCrash (const NativeCPUContext &cpu_context) |
Simulates a exception without crashing. | |
int | CrashpadHandlerMain (int argc, char *argv[]) |
int | HandlerMain (int argc, char *argv[], const UserStreamDataSources *user_stream_sources) |
The main() of the crashpad_handler binary. | |
bool | CaptureSnapshot (PtraceConnection *connection, const ExceptionHandlerProtocol::ClientInformation &info, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &process_annotations, uid_t client_uid, VMAddress requesting_thread_stack_address, pid_t *requesting_thread_id, std::unique_ptr< ProcessSnapshotLinux > *process_snapshot, std::unique_ptr< ProcessSnapshotSanitized > *sanitized_snapshot) |
Captures a snapshot of a client over connection. | |
void | RecordFileLimitAnnotation () |
Records a "file-limits" simple annotation for the process. | |
std::map< std::string, std::string > | BreakpadHTTPFormParametersFromMinidump (const ProcessSnapshot *process_snapshot) |
Given a ProcessSnapshot, returns a map of key-value pairs to use as HTTP form parameters for upload to a Breakpad crash report colleciton server. | |
void | AddUserExtensionStreams (const UserStreamDataSources *user_stream_data_sources, ProcessSnapshot *process_snapshot, MinidumpFileWriter *minidump_file_writer) |
Adds user extension streams to a minidump. | |
const char16_t * | AsU16CStr (const wchar_t *str) |
Conversion functions from a native UTF16 C-string to a char16_t C-string. No-op where the native UTF16 string is std::u16string. | |
char16_t * | AsU16CStr (wchar_t *str) |
void | BuildMinidumpThreadIDMap (const std::vector< const ThreadSnapshot * > &thread_snapshots, MinidumpThreadIDMap *thread_id_map) |
Builds a MinidumpThreadIDMap for a group of ThreadSnapshot objects. | |
DEFINE_GETTER (TriState, SystemCrashReporterForwarding, system_crash_reporter_forwarding) DEFINE_GETTER(TriState | |
gather_indirectly_referenced_memory | DEFINE_GETTER (uint32_t, IndirectlyReferencedMemoryCap, indirectly_referenced_memory_cap) DEFINE_GETTER(VMAddress |
bool | IsMalformedCLKernelsModule (uint32_t mach_o_file_type, const std::string &module_name) |
Determines whether a module appears to be a malformed OpenCL cl_kernels module based on its name and Mach-O file type. | |
bool | LoggingDetermineMergedRange (const MemorySnapshot *a, const MemorySnapshot *b, CheckedRange< uint64_t, size_t > *merged) |
Given two memory snapshots, checks if they're overlapping or abutting, and if so, returns the result of merging the two ranges. | |
bool | DetermineMergedRange (const MemorySnapshot *a, const MemorySnapshot *b, CheckedRange< uint64_t, size_t > *merged) |
The same as LoggingDetermineMergedRange but with no errors logged. | |
bool | ReadAllowedAnnotations (const ProcessMemoryRange &memory, VMAddress list_address, std::vector< std::string > *allowed_annotations) |
Reads a list of allowed annotations from another process. | |
bool | ReadAllowedMemoryRanges (const ProcessMemoryRange &memory, VMAddress list_address, std::vector< std::pair< VMAddress, VMAddress > > *allowed_memory_ranges) |
Reads a list of allowed memory ranges from another process. | |
void | InitializeX86Context (const CONTEXT *context, CPUContextX86 *out) |
Initializes a CPUContextX86 structure from a native context structure on Windows. | |
void | InitializeX86Context (const WOW64_CONTEXT *context, CPUContextX86 *out) |
Initializes a CPUContextX86 structure from a native context structure on Windows. | |
void | InitializeX64Context (const CONTEXT *context, CPUContextX86_64 *out) |
Initializes a CPUContextX86_64 structure from a native context structure on Windows. Only reads a max of sizeof(CONTEXT) so will not initialize extended values. | |
void | InitializeX64XStateCet (const CONTEXT *context, XSAVE_CET_U_FORMAT *cet_u, CPUContextX86_64 *out) |
Initializes CET fields of a CPUContextX86_64 structure from an xsave location if |context| flags support cet_u values. | |
bool | IsXStateFeatureEnabled (DWORD64 feature) |
Wraps GetXStateEnabledFeatures(), returns true if the specified set of flags are all supported. | |
void | InitializeARM64Context (const CONTEXT *context, CPUContextARM64 *out) |
Initializes a CPUContextARM64 structure from a native context structure on Windows. | |
template bool | PEImageReader::GetCrashpadInfo< process_types::internal::Traits32 > (process_types::CrashpadInfo< process_types::internal::Traits32 > *crashpad_info) const |
template bool | PEImageReader::GetCrashpadInfo< process_types::internal::Traits64 > (process_types::CrashpadInfo< process_types::internal::Traits64 > *crashpad_info) const |
void | CopyFileContent (FileReaderInterface *file_reader, FileWriterInterface *file_writer) |
Copy the file content from file_reader to file_writer. | |
bool | ReadFileExactly (FileHandle file, void *buffer, size_t size) |
Wraps ReadFile(), retrying following a short read, ensuring that exactly size bytes are read. Does not log on failure. | |
FileOperationResult | ReadFileUntil (FileHandle file, void *buffer, size_t size) |
Wraps ReadFile(), retrying following a short read. Does not log on failure. | |
bool | LoggingReadFileExactly (FileHandle file, void *buffer, size_t size) |
Wraps ReadFile(), retrying following a short read, ensuring that exactly size bytes are read. Logs an error on failure. | |
FileOperationResult | LoggingReadFileUntil (FileHandle file, void *buffer, size_t size) |
Wraps ReadFile(), retrying following a short read. Logs an error on failure. | |
bool | WriteFile (FileHandle file, const void *buffer, size_t size) |
Writes to a file, retrying when interrupted on POSIX or following a short write. | |
bool | LoggingWriteFile (FileHandle file, const void *buffer, size_t size) |
Wraps WriteFile(), ensuring that exactly size bytes are written. | |
void | CheckedReadFileExactly (FileHandle file, void *buffer, size_t size) |
Wraps ReadFile(), ensuring that exactly size bytes are read. | |
void | CheckedWriteFile (FileHandle file, const void *buffer, size_t size) |
Wraps WriteFile(), ensuring that exactly size bytes are written. | |
void | CheckedReadFileAtEOF (FileHandle file) |
Wraps ReadFile(), ensuring that it indicates end-of-file. | |
bool | LoggingReadToEOF (FileHandle file, std::string *contents) |
Wraps ReadFile() to read from the current file position to the end of the file into contents. | |
bool | LoggingReadEntireFile (const base::FilePath &path, std::string *contents) |
Wraps LoggingOpenFileForRead() and ReadFile() reading the entire file into contents. | |
void | CheckedCloseFile (FileHandle file) |
Wraps close() or CloseHandle() , ensuring that it succeeds. | |
FileOperationResult | ReadFile (FileHandle file, void *buffer, size_t size) |
Reads from a file, retrying when interrupted before reading any data on POSIX. | |
FileHandle | OpenFileForRead (const base::FilePath &path) |
Wraps open() or CreateFile() , opening an existing file for reading. | |
FileHandle | OpenFileForWrite (const base::FilePath &path, FileWriteMode mode, FilePermissions permissions) |
Wraps open() or CreateFile() , creating a file for output. | |
FileHandle | OpenFileForReadAndWrite (const base::FilePath &path, FileWriteMode mode, FilePermissions permissions) |
Wraps open() or CreateFile() , creating a file for both input and output. | |
FileHandle | LoggingOpenFileForRead (const base::FilePath &path) |
Wraps OpenFileForRead(), logging an error if the operation fails. | |
FileHandle | LoggingOpenFileForWrite (const base::FilePath &path, FileWriteMode mode, FilePermissions permissions) |
Wraps OpenFileForWrite(), logging an error if the operation fails. | |
FileHandle | LoggingOpenFileForReadAndWrite (const base::FilePath &path, FileWriteMode mode, FilePermissions permissions) |
Wraps OpenFileForReadAndWrite(), logging an error if the operation fails. | |
FileOffset | LoggingSeekFile (FileHandle file, FileOffset offset, int whence) |
Wraps lseek() or SetFilePointerEx() . Logs an error if the operation fails. | |
bool | LoggingTruncateFile (FileHandle file) |
Truncates the given file to zero bytes in length. | |
bool | LoggingCloseFile (FileHandle file) |
Wraps close() or CloseHandle() , logging an error if the operation fails. | |
FileOffset | LoggingFileSizeByHandle (FileHandle file) |
Determines the size of a file. | |
FileHandle | StdioFileHandle (StdioStream stdio_stream) |
Returns a FileHandle corresponding to the requested standard I/O stream. | |
FileLockingResult | LoggingLockFile (FileHandle file, FileLocking locking, FileLockingBlocking blocking) |
bool | LoggingUnlockFile (FileHandle file) |
bool | FileModificationTime (const base::FilePath &path, timespec *mtime) |
Determines the modification time for a file, directory, or symbolic link, logging a message on failure. | |
bool | LoggingCreateDirectory (const base::FilePath &path, FilePermissions permissions, bool may_reuse) |
Creates a directory, logging a message on failure. | |
bool | MoveFileOrDirectory (const base::FilePath &source, const base::FilePath &dest) |
Moves a file, symbolic link, or directory, logging a message on failure. | |
bool | IsRegularFile (const base::FilePath &path) |
Determines if a path refers to a regular file, logging a message on failure. | |
bool | IsDirectory (const base::FilePath &path, bool allow_symlinks) |
Determines if a path refers to a directory, logging a message on failure. | |
bool | LoggingRemoveFile (const base::FilePath &path) |
Removes a file or a symbolic link to a file or directory, logging a message on failure. | |
bool | LoggingRemoveDirectory (const base::FilePath &path) |
Non-recurseively removes an empty directory, logging a message on failure. | |
uint64_t | GetFileSize (const base::FilePath &filepath) |
Returns the size of the file at |filepath|. The function will ignore symlinks (not follow them, not add them to the returned size). | |
uint64_t | GetDirectorySize (const base::FilePath &dirPath) |
Returns the recursive sum of the size of the files in |dirPath|. The function will ignore symlinks (not follow them, not add them to the returned size). | |
std::vector< zx_koid_t > | GetChildKoids (const zx::object_base &parent, zx_object_info_topic_t child_kind) |
Get a list of child koids for a parent handle. | |
std::vector< zx::thread > | GetThreadHandles (const zx::process &parent) |
Get handles representing a list of child objects of a given parent. | |
std::vector< zx::thread > | GetHandlesForThreadKoids (const zx::process &parent, const std::vector< zx_koid_t > &koids) |
Convert a list of koids that are all children of a particular process into thread handles. | |
zx::thread | GetThreadHandleByKoid (const zx::process &parent, zx_koid_t child_koid) |
Retrieve the handle of a process' thread, based on koid. | |
zx_koid_t | GetKoidForHandle (const zx::object_base &object) |
Retrieves the koid for a given object handle. | |
bool | InitializeSignalDispositions () |
Establishes signal dispositions for a process based on the platform. | |
VMAddress | StripPACBits (VMAddress address) |
Strips PAC bits from an address. | |
bool | ReadThreadIDs (pid_t pid, std::vector< pid_t > *tids) |
Enumerates the thread IDs of a process by reading /proc/pid/task . | |
bool | PtraceAttach (pid_t pid, bool can_log=true) |
Attaches to the process with process ID pid and blocks until the target process has stopped by calling waitpid() . | |
bool | PtraceDetach (pid_t pid, bool can_log=true) |
Detaches the process with process ID pid. The process must already be ptrace attached. | |
launch_data_t | CFPropertyToLaunchData (CFPropertyListRef property_cf) |
Converts a Core Foundation-type property list to a launchd-type launch_data_t . | |
int | MacOSVersionNumber () |
Returns the version of the running operating system. | |
bool | MacOSVersionComponents (int *major, int *minor, int *bugfix, std::string *build, std::string *version_string) |
Returns the version of the running operating system. | |
void | MacModelAndBoard (std::string *model, std::string *board_id) |
Returns the model name and board ID of the running system. | |
bool | ServiceManagementSubmitJob (CFDictionaryRef job_cf) |
Submits a job to the user launchd domain as in SMJobSubmit() . | |
bool | ServiceManagementRemoveJob (const std::string &label, bool wait) |
Removes a job from the user launchd domain as in SMJobRemove() . | |
bool | ServiceManagementIsJobLoaded (const std::string &label) |
Determines whether a specified job is loaded in the user launchd domain. | |
pid_t | ServiceManagementIsJobRunning (const std::string &label) |
Determines whether a specified job is running in the user launchd domain. | |
std::string | ReadStringSysctlByName (const char *name, bool may_log_enoent) |
Calls sysctlbyname to read a string. | |
XattrStatus | ReadXattr (const base::FilePath &file, const base::StringPiece &name, std::string *value) |
Reads an extended attribute on a file. | |
bool | WriteXattr (const base::FilePath &file, const base::StringPiece &name, const std::string &value) |
Writes an extended attribute on a file. | |
XattrStatus | ReadXattrBool (const base::FilePath &file, const base::StringPiece &name, bool *value) |
Reads an extended attribute on a file. | |
bool | WriteXattrBool (const base::FilePath &file, const base::StringPiece &name, bool value) |
Writes an extended attribute on a file. | |
XattrStatus | ReadXattrInt (const base::FilePath &file, const base::StringPiece &name, int *value) |
Reads an extended attribute on a file. | |
bool | WriteXattrInt (const base::FilePath &file, const base::StringPiece &name, int value) |
Writes an extended attribute on a file. | |
XattrStatus | ReadXattrTimeT (const base::FilePath &file, const base::StringPiece &name, time_t *value) |
Reads an extended attribute on a file. | |
bool | WriteXattrTimeT (const base::FilePath &file, const base::StringPiece &name, time_t value) |
Writes an extended attribute on a file. | |
XattrStatus | RemoveXattr (const base::FilePath &file, const base::StringPiece &name) |
Removes an extended attribute from a file. | |
base::apple::ScopedMachReceiveRight | BootstrapCheckIn (const std::string &service_name) |
Makes a boostrap_check_in() call to the process’ bootstrap server. | |
base::apple::ScopedMachSendRight | BootstrapLookUp (const std::string &service_name) |
Makes a boostrap_look_up() call to the process’ bootstrap server. | |
base::apple::ScopedMachSendRight | SystemCrashReporterHandler () |
Obtains the system’s default Mach exception handler for crash-type exceptions. | |
kern_return_t | UniversalExceptionRaise (exception_behavior_t behavior, exception_handler_t exception_port, thread_t thread, task_t task, exception_type_t exception, const mach_exception_data_type_t *code, mach_msg_type_number_t code_count, thread_state_flavor_t *flavor, ConstThreadState old_state, mach_msg_type_number_t old_state_count, thread_state_t new_state, mach_msg_type_number_t *new_state_count) |
Calls the appropriate *exception_raise*() function for the specified behavior. | |
kern_return_t | ExcServerSuccessfulReturnValue (exception_type_t exception, exception_behavior_t behavior, bool set_thread_state) |
Computes an approriate successful return value for an exception handler function. | |
void | ExcServerCopyState (exception_behavior_t behavior, ConstThreadState old_state, mach_msg_type_number_t old_state_count, thread_state_t new_state, mach_msg_type_number_t *new_state_count) |
Copies the old state to the new state for state-carrying exceptions. | |
bool | ExceptionBehaviorHasState (exception_behavior_t behavior) |
Determines whether behavior indicates an exception behavior that carries thread state information. | |
bool | ExceptionBehaviorHasIdentity (exception_behavior_t behavior) |
Determines whether behavior indicates an exception behavior that carries thread and task identities. | |
bool | ExceptionBehaviorHasMachExceptionCodes (exception_behavior_t behavior) |
Determines whether behavior indicates an exception behavior that carries 64-bit exception codes (“Mach exception codes”). | |
exception_behavior_t | ExceptionBehaviorBasic (exception_behavior_t behavior) |
Returns the basic behavior value of behavior, its value without MACH_EXCEPTION_CODES set. | |
exception_type_t | ExcCrashRecoverOriginalException (mach_exception_code_t code_0, mach_exception_code_t *original_code_0, int *signal) |
Recovers the original exception, first exception code, and signal from the encoded form of the first exception code delivered with EXC_CRASH exceptions. | |
bool | ExcCrashCouldContainException (exception_type_t exception) |
Determines whether a given exception type could plausibly be carried within an EXC_CRASH exception. | |
int32_t | ExceptionCodeForMetrics (exception_type_t exception, mach_exception_code_t code_0) |
Returns the exception code to report via a configured metrics system. | |
bool | IsExceptionNonfatalResource (exception_type_t exception, mach_exception_code_t code_0, pid_t pid) |
Determines whether an exception is a non-fatal EXC_RESOURCE . | |
thread_t | MachThreadSelf () |
Like mach_thread_self() , but without the obligation to release the send right. | |
mach_port_t | NewMachPort (mach_port_right_t right) |
Creates a new Mach port in the current task. | |
exception_mask_t | ExcMaskAll () |
The value for EXC_MASK_ALL appropriate for the operating system at run time. | |
exception_mask_t | ExcMaskValid () |
An exception mask containing every possible exception understood by the operating system at run time. | |
MachMessageDeadline | MachMessageDeadlineFromTimeout (mach_msg_timeout_t timeout_ms) |
Computes the deadline for a specified timeout value. | |
mach_msg_return_t | MachMessageWithDeadline (mach_msg_header_t *message, mach_msg_option_t options, mach_msg_size_t receive_size, mach_port_name_t receive_port, MachMessageDeadline deadline, mach_port_name_t notify_port, bool run_even_if_expired) |
Runs mach_msg() with a deadline, as opposed to a timeout. | |
void | PrepareMIGReplyFromRequest (const mach_msg_header_t *in_header, mach_msg_header_t *out_header) |
Initializes a reply message for a MIG server routine based on its corresponding request. | |
void | SetMIGReplyError (mach_msg_header_t *out_header, kern_return_t error) |
Sets the error code in a reply message for a MIG server routine. | |
const mach_msg_trailer_t * | MachMessageTrailerFromHeader (const mach_msg_header_t *header) |
Returns a Mach message trailer for a message that has been received. | |
bool | MachMessageDestroyReceivedPort (mach_port_t port, mach_msg_type_name_t port_right_type) |
Destroys or deallocates a Mach port received in a Mach message. | |
pid_t | AuditPIDFromMachMessageTrailer (const mach_msg_trailer_t *trailer) |
Returns the process ID of a Mach message’s sender from its audit trailer. | |
std::string | ExceptionToString (exception_type_t exception, SymbolicConstantToStringOptions options) |
Converts a Mach exception value to a textual representation. | |
bool | StringToException (const base::StringPiece &string, StringToSymbolicConstantOptions options, exception_type_t *exception) |
Converts a string to its corresponding Mach exception value. | |
std::string | ExceptionMaskToString (exception_mask_t exception_mask, SymbolicConstantToStringOptions options) |
Converts a Mach exception mask value to a textual representation. | |
bool | StringToExceptionMask (const base::StringPiece &string, StringToSymbolicConstantOptions options, exception_mask_t *exception_mask) |
Converts a string to its corresponding Mach exception mask value. | |
std::string | ExceptionBehaviorToString (exception_behavior_t behavior, SymbolicConstantToStringOptions options) |
Converts a Mach exception behavior value to a textual representation. | |
bool | StringToExceptionBehavior (const base::StringPiece &string, StringToSymbolicConstantOptions options, exception_behavior_t *behavior) |
Converts a string to its corresponding Mach exception behavior value. | |
std::string | ThreadStateFlavorToString (thread_state_flavor_t flavor, SymbolicConstantToStringOptions options) |
Converts a thread state flavor value to a textual representation. | |
bool | StringToThreadStateFlavor (const base::StringPiece &string, StringToSymbolicConstantOptions options, thread_state_flavor_t *flavor) |
Converts a string to its corresponding thread state flavor value. | |
task_t | TaskForPID (pid_t pid) |
Wraps task_for_pid() . | |
template<typename From> | |
constexpr std::underlying_type< From >::type | AsUnderlyingType (From from) |
Casts a value to its underlying type. | |
void | CaptureContext (NativeCPUContext *cpu_context) |
Saves the CPU context. | |
uint64_t | ClockMonotonicNanoseconds () |
Returns the value of the system’s monotonic clock. | |
void | SleepNanoseconds (uint64_t nanoseconds) |
Sleeps for the specified duration. | |
template<typename To, typename From> | |
FromPointerCast (From from) | |
Casts from a pointer type to an integer. | |
template<typename To, typename From> | |
constexpr To | implicit_cast (From const &f) |
bool | AdvancePastPrefix (const char **input, const char *pattern) |
Match a pattern at the start of a char string. | |
template<typename T> | |
bool | AdvancePastNumber (const char **input, T *value) |
Convert a prefix of a char string to a numeric value. | |
template bool | AdvancePastNumber (const char **input, int *value) |
template bool | AdvancePastNumber (const char **input, unsigned int *value) |
template bool | AdvancePastNumber (const char **input, int64_t *value) |
template bool | AdvancePastNumber (const char **input, uint64_t *value) |
std::string | RandomString () |
Returns a random string. | |
template<typename From, typename To> | |
bool | ReinterpretBytes (const From &from, To *to) |
Copies the bytes of from to to. | |
void | AddTimespec (const timespec &ts1, const timespec &ts2, timespec *result) |
Add timespec ts1 and ts2 and return the result in result. | |
void | SubtractTimespec (const timespec &ts1, const timespec &ts2, timespec *result) |
Subtract timespec ts2 from ts1 and return the result in result. | |
bool | TimespecToTimeval (const timespec &ts, timeval *tv) |
Convert the timespec ts to a timeval tv. | |
void | TimevalToTimespec (const timeval &tv, timespec *ts) |
Convert the timeval tv to a timespec ts. | |
FILETIME | TimespecToFiletimeEpoch (const timespec &ts) |
Convert a timespec to a Windows FILETIME , converting from POSIX epoch to Windows epoch. | |
timespec | FiletimeToTimespecEpoch (const FILETIME &filetime) |
Convert a Windows FILETIME to timespec , converting from Windows epoch to POSIX epoch. | |
timeval | FiletimeToTimevalEpoch (const FILETIME &filetime) |
Convert Windows FILETIME to timeval , converting from Windows epoch to POSIX epoch. | |
timeval | FiletimeToTimevalInterval (const FILETIME &filetime) |
Convert Windows FILETIME to timeval , treating the values as an interval of elapsed time. | |
void | GetTimeOfDay (timeval *tv) |
Similar to POSIX gettimeofday() , gets the current system time in UTC. | |
bool | GetBootTime (timespec *ts) |
Get the kernel boot time. Subsequent calls to this function may return different results due to the system clock being changed or imprecision in measuring the boot time. | |
int | ZlibWindowBitsWithGzipWrapper (int window_bits) |
Obtain a window_bits parameter to pass to deflateInit2() or inflateInit2() that specifies a gzip wrapper instead of the default zlib wrapper. | |
std::string | ZlibErrorString (int zr) |
Formats a string for an error received from the zlib library. | |
std::string | URLEncode (const std::string &url) |
Performs percent-encoding (URL encoding) on the input string, following RFC 3986 paragraph 2. | |
bool | CrackURL (const std::string &url, std::string *scheme, std::string *host, std::string *port, std::string *rest) |
Crack a URL into component parts. | |
template<typename Destination, typename Source> | |
Destination | InRangeCast (Source source, Destination default_value) |
Casts to a different type if it can be done without data loss, logging a warning message and returing a default value otherwise. | |
template<typename Destination, typename Source> | |
bool | AssignIfInRange (Destination *destination, Source source) |
Performs an assignment if it can be done safely, and signals if it cannot be done safely. | |
void | CloseMultipleNowOrOnExec (int fd, int preserve_fd) |
Close multiple file descriptors or mark them close-on-exec. | |
void | CloseStdinAndStdout () |
Closes stdin and stdout by opening /dev/null over them. | |
void | DropPrivileges () |
Permanently drops privileges conferred by being a setuid or setgid executable. | |
bool | SpawnSubprocess (const std::vector< std::string > &argv, const std::vector< std::string > *envp, int preserve_fd, bool use_path, void(*child_function)()) |
Spawns a subprocess. | |
std::string | SignalToString (int signal, SymbolicConstantToStringOptions options) |
Converts a POSIX signal value to a textual representation. | |
bool | StringToSignal (const base::StringPiece &string, StringToSymbolicConstantOptions options, int *signal) |
Converts a string to its corresponding POSIX signal value. | |
void * | AlignedAllocate (size_t alignment, size_t size) |
Allocates memory with the specified alignment constraint. | |
void | AlignedFree (void *pointer) |
Frees memory allocated by AlignedAllocate(). | |
template<class T1, class T2, size_t Alignment> | |
bool | operator== (const AlignedAllocator< T1, Alignment > &lhs, const AlignedAllocator< T2, Alignment > &rhs) noexcept |
template<class T1, class T2, size_t Alignment> | |
bool | operator!= (const AlignedAllocator< T1, Alignment > &lhs, const AlignedAllocator< T2, Alignment > &rhs) noexcept |
template<typename T> | |
bool | MapInsertOrReplace (T *map, const typename T::key_type &key, const typename T::mapped_type &value, typename T::mapped_type *old_value) |
Inserts a mapping from key to value into map, or replaces an existing mapping so that key maps to value. | |
size_t | c16lcpy (char16_t *destination, const char16_t *source, size_t length) |
Copy a NUL -terminated char16_t-based string to a fixed-size buffer. | |
size_t | strnlen (const char *string, size_t max_length) |
Returns the length of a string, not to exceed a maximum. | |
bool | SplitStringFirst (const std::string &string, char delimiter, std::string *left, std::string *right) |
Splits a string into two parts at the first delimiter found. | |
std::vector< std::string > | SplitString (const std::string &string, char delimiter) |
Splits a string into multiple parts on the given delimiter. | |
void | AppendCommandLineArgument (const std::wstring &argument, std::wstring *command_line) |
Utility function for building escaped command lines. | |
void * | ProgramCounterFromCONTEXT (const CONTEXT *context) |
Retrieve program counter from CONTEXT structure for different architectures supported by Windows. | |
bool | InitializeCriticalSectionWithDebugInfoIfPossible (CRITICAL_SECTION *critical_section) |
Equivalent to InitializeCritialSection() , but attempts to allocate with a valid .DebugInfo field on versions of Windows where it's possible to do so. | |
BOOL | CrashpadGetModuleInformation (HANDLE process, HMODULE module, MODULEINFO *module_info, DWORD cb) |
Proxy function for GetModuleInformation() . | |
int | HandleToInt (HANDLE handle) |
Converts a HANDLE to an int . | |
HANDLE | IntToHandle (int handle_int) |
Converts an int to an HANDLE . | |
bool | IsThreadInLoaderLock () |
bool | GetModuleVersionAndType (const base::FilePath &path, VS_FIXEDFILEINFO *vs_fixedfileinfo) |
Retrieve the type and version information from a given module (exe, dll, etc.) | |
NTSTATUS | NtClose (HANDLE handle) |
NTSTATUS | NtCreateThreadEx (PHANDLE thread_handle, ACCESS_MASK desired_access, POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES object_attributes, HANDLE process_handle, PVOID start_routine, PVOID argument, ULONG create_flags, SIZE_T zero_bits, SIZE_T stack_size, SIZE_T maximum_stack_size, PVOID attribute_list) |
NTSTATUS | NtQuerySystemInformation (SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS system_information_class, PVOID system_information, ULONG system_information_length, PULONG return_length) |
NTSTATUS | NtQueryInformationThread (HANDLE thread_handle, THREADINFOCLASS thread_information_class, PVOID thread_information, ULONG thread_information_length, PULONG return_length) |
template<class Traits> | |
NTSTATUS | NtOpenThread (PHANDLE thread_handle, ACCESS_MASK desired_access, POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES object_attributes, const process_types::CLIENT_ID< Traits > *client_id) |
NTSTATUS | NtQueryObject (HANDLE handle, OBJECT_INFORMATION_CLASS object_information_class, void *object_information, ULONG object_information_length, ULONG *return_length) |
NTSTATUS | NtSuspendProcess (HANDLE handle) |
NTSTATUS | NtResumeProcess (HANDLE handle) |
void | RtlGetUnloadEventTraceEx (ULONG **element_size, ULONG **element_count, void **event_trace) |
template NTSTATUS | NtOpenThread< process_types::internal::Traits32 > (PHANDLE thread_handle, ACCESS_MASK desired_access, POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES object_attributes, const process_types::CLIENT_ID< process_types::internal::Traits32 > *client_id) |
template NTSTATUS | NtOpenThread< process_types::internal::Traits64 > (PHANDLE thread_handle, ACCESS_MASK desired_access, POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES object_attributes, const process_types::CLIENT_ID< process_types::internal::Traits64 > *client_id) |
template<class Traits> | |
bool | GetProcessBasicInformation (HANDLE process, bool is_wow64, ProcessInfo *process_info, WinVMAddress *peb_address, WinVMSize *peb_size) |
template<class Traits> | |
bool | ReadProcessData (HANDLE process, WinVMAddress peb_address_vmaddr, ProcessInfo *process_info) |
bool | ReadMemoryInfo (HANDLE process, bool is_64_bit, ProcessInfo *process_info) |
std::vector< CheckedRange< WinVMAddress, WinVMSize > > | GetReadableRangesOfMemoryMap (const CheckedRange< WinVMAddress, WinVMSize > &range, const ProcessInfo::MemoryBasicInformation64Vector &memory_info) |
Given a memory map of a process, and a range to be read from the target process, returns a vector of ranges, representing the readable portions of the original range. | |
bool | SendToCrashHandlerServer (const std::wstring &pipe_name, const ClientToServerMessage &message, ServerToClientMessage *response) |
Connect over the given pipe_name, passing message to the server, storing the server's reply into response. | |
HANDLE | CreateNamedPipeInstance (const std::wstring &pipe_name, bool first_instance) |
Wraps CreateNamedPipe() to create a single named pipe instance. | |
const void * | GetFallbackSecurityDescriptorForNamedPipeInstance (size_t *size) |
Returns the SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR blob that will be used for creating the connection pipe in CreateNamedPipeInstance() if the full descriptor can't be created. | |
const void * | GetSecurityDescriptorForNamedPipeInstance (size_t *size) |
Returns the SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR blob that will be used for creating the connection pipe in CreateNamedPipeInstance(). | |
bool | SafeTerminateProcess (HANDLE process, UINT exit_code) |
Calls TerminateProcess() . | |
launch_data_t | LaunchDataAlloc (launch_data_type_t type) |
Wraps the <launch.h> function of the same name. | |
launch_data_type_t | LaunchDataGetType (const launch_data_t data) |
Wraps the <launch.h> function of the same name. | |
void | LaunchDataFree (launch_data_t data) |
Wraps the <launch.h> function of the same name. | |
bool | LaunchDataDictInsert (launch_data_t dict, const launch_data_t value, const char *key) |
Wraps the <launch.h> function of the same name. | |
launch_data_t | LaunchDataDictLookup (const launch_data_t dict, const char *key) |
Wraps the <launch.h> function of the same name. | |
size_t | LaunchDataDictGetCount (launch_data_t dict) |
Wraps the <launch.h> function of the same name. | |
bool | LaunchDataArraySetIndex (launch_data_t array, const launch_data_t value, size_t index) |
Wraps the <launch.h> function of the same name. | |
launch_data_t | LaunchDataArrayGetIndex (launch_data_t array, size_t index) |
Wraps the <launch.h> function of the same name. | |
size_t | LaunchDataArrayGetCount (launch_data_t array) |
Wraps the <launch.h> function of the same name. | |
launch_data_t | LaunchDataNewInteger (long long integer) |
Wraps the <launch.h> function of the same name. | |
launch_data_t | LaunchDataNewBool (bool boolean) |
Wraps the <launch.h> function of the same name. | |
launch_data_t | LaunchDataNewReal (double real) |
Wraps the <launch.h> function of the same name. | |
launch_data_t | LaunchDataNewString (const char *string) |
Wraps the <launch.h> function of the same name. | |
launch_data_t | LaunchDataNewOpaque (const void *opaque, size_t size) |
Wraps the <launch.h> function of the same name. | |
long long | LaunchDataGetInteger (const launch_data_t data) |
Wraps the <launch.h> function of the same name. | |
bool | LaunchDataGetBool (const launch_data_t data) |
Wraps the <launch.h> function of the same name. | |
double | LaunchDataGetReal (const launch_data_t data) |
Wraps the <launch.h> function of the same name. | |
const char * | LaunchDataGetString (const launch_data_t data) |
Wraps the <launch.h> function of the same name. | |
void * | LaunchDataGetOpaque (const launch_data_t data) |
Wraps the <launch.h> function of the same name. | |
size_t | LaunchDataGetOpaqueSize (const launch_data_t data) |
Wraps the <launch.h> function of the same name. | |
int | LaunchDataGetErrno (const launch_data_t data) |
Wraps the <launch.h> function of the same name. | |
launch_data_t | LaunchMsg (const launch_data_t data) |
Wraps the <launch.h> function of the same name. | |
bool | StringToNumber (const std::string &string, int *number) |
Convert a string to a number. | |
bool | StringToNumber (const std::string &string, unsigned int *number) |
Convert a string to a number. | |
bool | StringToNumber (const std::string &string, long *number) |
Convert a string to a number. | |
bool | StringToNumber (const std::string &string, unsigned long *number) |
Convert a string to a number. | |
bool | StringToNumber (const std::string &string, long long *number) |
Convert a string to a number. | |
bool | StringToNumber (const std::string &string, unsigned long long *number) |
Convert a string to a number. | |
Variables | |
CrashpadInfo | g_crashpad_info |
uint32_t * | g_extra_memory_pointer |
uint32_t * | g_extra_memory_not_saved |
constexpr uint32_t | kMinidumpAMD64XSaveOffset = 0x550 |
Offset of first xsave feature in the full extended context. | |
constexpr uint32_t | kXSaveAreaFirstOffset = 0x240 |
Offset of first xsave feature within the extended context area. | |
TestCrashpadInfo | g_test_crashpad_info |
GatherIndirectlyReferencedMemory | |
gather_indirectly_referenced_memory | UserDataMinidumpStreamHead |
constexpr size_t | kMaxNumberOfAnnotations = 400 |
The maximum number of crashpad::Annotations that will be read from a client process. | |
const FileHandle | kInvalidFileHandle = -1 |
A value that can never be a valid FileHandle. | |
constexpr mach_port_t | kMachPortNull = MACH_PORT_NULL |
MACH_PORT_NULL with the correct type for a Mach port, mach_port_t . | |
constexpr exception_behavior_t | kMachExceptionCodes = MACH_EXCEPTION_CODES |
MACH_EXCEPTION_CODES with the correct type for a Mach exception behavior, exception_behavior_t . | |
constexpr exception_type_t | kMachExceptionSimulated = 'CPsx' |
An exception type to use for simulated exceptions. | |
constexpr exception_type_t | kMachExceptionFromNSException = 'CPnx' |
An exception type to use for uncaught NSExceptions. | |
constexpr mach_msg_option_t | kMachMessageReceiveAuditTrailer |
A Mach message option specifying that an audit trailer should be delivered during a receive operation. | |
constexpr uint64_t | kNanosecondsPerSecond = static_cast<uint64_t>(1E9) |
constexpr char | kContentType [] = "Content-Type" |
The header name "Content-Type" . | |
constexpr char | kContentLength [] = "Content-Length" |
The header name "Content-Length" . | |
constexpr char | kContentEncoding [] = "Content-Encoding" |
The header name "Content-Encoding" . | |
constexpr ProcessID | kInvalidProcessID = -1 |
The main namespace.
using crashpad::AlignedVector = std::vector<T, AlignedAllocator<T, Alignment>> |
A std::vector
using AlignedAllocator.
This is similar to std::vector<T>
, with the addition of an alignment guarantee. Alignment must be a power of 2. If Alignment is not specified, the default alignment for type T is used.
Ensures that a range, composed of a base and a size, does not overflow the pointer type of the process it describes a range in.
This class checks bases of type LinuxVMAddress and sizes of type LinuxVMSize against a process whose pointer type is either 32 or 64 bits wide.
Aside from varying the overall range on the basis of a process’ pointer type width, this class functions very similarly to CheckedRange.
Ensures that a range, composed of a base and a size, does not overflow the pointer type of the process it describes a range in.
This class checks bases of type mach_vm_address_t
and sizes of type mach_vm_address_t
against a process whose pointer type is either 32 or 64 bits wide.
Aside from varying the overall range on the basis of a process’ pointer type width, this class functions very similarly to CheckedRange.
Ensures that a range, composed of a base and a size, does not overflow the pointer type of the process it describes a range in.
This class checks bases of type VMAddress and sizes of type VMSize against a process whose pointer type is either 32 or 64 bits wide.
Aside from varying the overall range on the basis of a process’ pointer type width, this class functions very similarly to CheckedRange.
Ensures that a range, composed of a base and a size, does not overflow the pointer type of the process it describes a range in.
This class checks bases of type WinVMAddress and sizes of type WinVMSize against a process whose pointer type is either 32 or 64 bits wide.
Aside from varying the overall range on the basis of a process' pointer type width, this class functions very similarly to CheckedRange.
using crashpad::ConstThreadState = const natural_t* |
A const version of thread_state_t
This is useful as the old_state parameter to exception handler functions. Normally, these parameters are of type thread_state_t
, but this allows modification of the state, which is conceptually const
using crashpad::MachMessageDeadline = uint64_t |
The time before which a MachMessageWithDeadline() call should complete.
A value of this type may be one of the special constants kMachMessageDeadlineNonblocking or kMachMessageDeadlineWaitIndefinitely. Any other values should be produced by calling MachMessageDeadlineFromTimeout().
Internally, these are currently specified on the same time base as ClockMonotonicNanoseconds(), although this is an implementation detail.
using crashpad::MinidumpThreadIDMap = std::map<uint64_t, uint32_t> |
A map that connects 64-bit snapshot thread IDs to 32-bit minidump thread IDs.
64-bit snapshot thread IDs are obtained from ThreadSnapshot::ThreadID(). 32-bit minidump thread IDs are stored in MINIDUMP_THREAD::ThreadId.
A ThreadIDMap ensures that there are no collisions among the set of 32-bit minidump thread IDs.
using crashpad::ScopedDIR = base::ScopedGeneric<DIR*, internal::ScopedDIRCloseTraits> |
Maintains a directory opened by opendir
On destruction, the directory will be closed by calling closedir
using crashpad::ScopedFileHANDLE |
using crashpad::ScopedKernelHANDLE |
using crashpad::ScopedLocalAlloc |
using crashpad::ScopedRegistryKey |
using crashpad::ScopedRemoveFile |
using crashpad::ScopedSearchHANDLE |
using crashpad::ScopedVectoredExceptionRegistration |
using crashpad::SimpleStringDictionary = TSimpleStringDictionary<256, 256, 64> |
A TSimpleStringDictionary with default template parameters.
For historical reasons this specialized version is available with the same size factors as a previous implementation.
using crashpad::UserStreamDataSources |
anonymous enum |
Enumerator | |
kXPProcessAllAccess | This is the XP-suitable value of Requesting |
kXPThreadAllAccess | This is the XP-suitable value of Requesting |
anonymous enum : mach_msg_timeout_t |
Special constants used as mach_msg_timeout_t
Enumerator | |
kMachMessageTimeoutNonblocking | When passed to MachMessageDeadlineFromTimeout(), that function will return kMachMessageDeadlineNonblocking. |
kMachMessageTimeoutWaitIndefinitely | When passed to MachMessageDeadlineFromTimeout(), that function will return kMachMessageDeadlineWaitIndefinitely. |
anonymous enum : MachMessageDeadline |
Special constants used as MachMessageDeadline values.
Enumerator | |
kMachMessageDeadlineNonblocking | MachMessageWithDeadline() should not block at all in its operation. |
kMachMessageDeadlineWaitIndefinitely | MachMessageWithDeadline() should wait indefinitely for the requested operation to complete. |
A system’s CPU architecture.
This can be used to represent the CPU architecture of an entire system as in SystemSnapshot::CPUArchitecture(). It can also be used to represent the architecture of a CPUContext structure in its CPUContext::architecture field without reference to external data.
enum crashpad::ExceptionCodes : uint32_t |
Crashpad-specific exception codes that are used as arguments to RaiseException()
in unusual circumstances.
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Determines the mode that LoggingOpenFileForWrite() uses.
enum crashpad::MinidumpContextAMD64Flags : uint32_t |
x86_64-specific flags for MinidumpContextAMD64::context_flags.
enum crashpad::MinidumpContextARM64Flags : uint32_t |
64-bit ARM-specifc flags for MinidumpContextARM64::context_flags.
enum crashpad::MinidumpContextARMFlags : uint32_t |
32-bit ARM-specifc flags for MinidumpContextARM::context_flags.
enum crashpad::MinidumpContextFlags : uint32_t |
Architecture-independent flags for context_flags
fields in Minidump context structures.
Enumerator | |
kMinidumpContextExceptionActive | The thread was executing a trap handler in kernel mode ( If this bit is set, it indicates that the context is from a thread that was executing a trap handler in the kernel. This bit is only valid when kMinidumpContextExceptionReporting is also set. This bit is only used on Windows. |
kMinidumpContextServiceActive | The thread was executing a system call in kernel mode ( If this bit is set, it indicates that the context is from a thread that was executing a system call in the kernel. This bit is only valid when kMinidumpContextExceptionReporting is also set. This bit is only used on Windows. |
kMinidumpContextExceptionRequest | Kernel-mode state reporting is desired ( This bit is not used in context structures containing snapshots of thread CPU context. It used when calling |
kMinidumpContextExceptionReporting | Kernel-mode state reporting is provided ( If this bit is set, it indicates that the bits indicating how the thread had entered kernel mode (kMinidumpContextExceptionActive and kMinidumpContextServiceActive) are valid. This bit is only used on Windows. |
enum crashpad::MinidumpContextMIPS64Flags : uint32_t |
64bit MIPS-specifc flags for MinidumpContextMIPS64::context_flags. Based on minidump_cpu_mips.h from breakpad
enum crashpad::MinidumpContextMIPSFlags : uint32_t |
32bit MIPS-specifc flags for MinidumpContextMIPS::context_flags. Based on minidump_cpu_mips.h from breakpad
enum crashpad::MinidumpContextRISCV64Flags : uint32_t |
64-bit RISCV-specific flags for MinidumpContextRISCV64::context_flags.
enum crashpad::MinidumpContextX86Flags : uint32_t |
32-bit x86-specifc flags for MinidumpContextX86::context_flags.
enum crashpad::MinidumpCPUArchitecture : uint16_t |
CPU type values for MINIDUMP_SYSTEM_INFO::ProcessorArchitecture.
Enumerator | |
kMinidumpCPUArchitectureX86 | 32-bit x86. These systems identify their CPUs generically as “x86” or “ia32”, or with more specific names such as “i386”, “i486”, “i586”, and “i686”. |
kMinidumpCPUArchitecturePPC | 32-bit PowerPC. These systems identify their CPUs generically as “ppc”, or with more specific names such as “ppc6xx”, “ppc7xx”, and “ppc74xx”. |
kMinidumpCPUArchitectureARM | 32-bit ARM. These systems identify their CPUs generically as “arm”, or with more specific names such as “armv6” and “armv7”. |
kMinidumpCPUArchitectureAMD64 | 64-bit x86. These systems identify their CPUs as “x86_64”, “amd64”, or “x64”. |
kMinidumpCPUArchitectureX86Win64 | A 32-bit x86 process running on IA-64 (Itanium).
kMinidumpCPUArchitectureARM64 | 64-bit ARM. These systems identify their CPUs generically as “arm64” or “aarch64”, or with more specific names such as “armv8”. |
kMinidumpCPUArchitecturePPC64 | 64-bit PowerPC. These systems identify their CPUs generically as “ppc64”, or with more specific names such as “ppc970”. |
kMinidumpCPUArchitectureARM64Breakpad | Used by Breakpad for 64-bit ARM. |
kMinidumpCPUArchitectureRISCV64Breakpad | Used by Breakpad for 64-bit RISC-V. |
kMinidumpCPUArchitectureUnknown | Unknown CPU architecture. |
enum crashpad::MinidumpOS : uint32_t |
Operating system family values for MINIDUMP_SYSTEM_INFO::PlatformId.
enum crashpad::MinidumpOSType : uint8_t |
Operating system type values for MINIDUMP_SYSTEM_INFO::ProductType.
Enumerator | |
kMinidumpOSTypeWorkstation | A “desktop” or “workstation” system. |
kMinidumpOSTypeDomainController | A “domain controller” system. Windows-specific. |
kMinidumpOSTypeServer | A “server” system. |
enum crashpad::MinidumpStreamType : uint32_t |
Minidump stream type values for MINIDUMP_DIRECTORY::StreamType. Each stream structure has a corresponding stream type value to identify it.
Enumerator | |
kMinidumpStreamTypeThreadList | The stream type for MINIDUMP_THREAD_LIST.
kMinidumpStreamTypeModuleList | The stream type for MINIDUMP_MODULE_LIST.
kMinidumpStreamTypeMemoryList | The stream type for MINIDUMP_MEMORY_LIST.
kMinidumpStreamTypeException | The stream type for MINIDUMP_EXCEPTION_STREAM.
kMinidumpStreamTypeSystemInfo | The stream type for MINIDUMP_SYSTEM_INFO.
kMinidumpStreamTypeHandleData | The stream type for MINIDUMP_HANDLE_DATA_STREAM.
kMinidumpStreamTypeUnloadedModuleList | The stream type for MINIDUMP_UNLOADED_MODULE_LIST.
kMinidumpStreamTypeMemoryInfoList | The stream type for MINIDUMP_MEMORY_INFO_LIST.
kMinidumpStreamTypeThreadNameList | The stream type for MINIDUMP_THREAD_NAME_LIST.
kMinidumpStreamTypeLastReservedStream | The last reserved minidump stream.
kMinidumpStreamTypeCrashpadInfo | The stream type for MinidumpCrashpadInfo. |
kMinidumpStreamTypeCrashpadLastReservedStream | The last reserved crashpad stream. |
strong |
State of process being read by ProcessReaderWin.
Enumerator | |
kRunning | The process has not been suspended. |
kSuspended | The process is suspended. |
strong |
Determines the FileHandle that StdioFileHandle() returns.
Enumerator | |
kStandardInput | Standard input, or |
kStandardOutput | Standard output, or |
kStandardError | Standard error, or |
Options for various StringTo*
functions in symbolic_constants_*
Not every StringTo*
function will implement each of these options. See function-specific documentation for details.
Options for various *ToString
functions in symbolic_constants_*
Enumerator | |
kUseFullName | Return the full name for a given constant.
kUseShortName | Return the short name for a given constant. |
kUnknownIsEmpty | If no symbolic name is known for a given constant, return an empty string.
kUnknownIsNumeric | If no symbolic name is known for a given constant, return a numeric string. The numeric format used will vary by family, but will be appropriate to the family. Families whose values are typically constructed as bitfields will generally use a hexadecimal format, and other families will generally use a signed or unsigned decimal format. |
kUseOr | Use For families whose values may be constructed as bitfields, allow conversion to strings containing multiple individual components treated as being combined by a bitwise “or” operation. An example family of constants that behaves this way is the suite of Mach exception masks. For constants that are not constructed as bitfields, or constants that are only partially constructed as bitfields, this option has no effect. |
enum crashpad::TerminationCodes : unsigned int |
Crashpad-specific codes that are used as arguments to SafeTerminateProcess() or TerminateProcess()
in unusual circumstances.
strong |
A tri-state value that can be unset, on, or off.
strong |
strong |
void crashpad::AddUserExtensionStreams | ( | const UserStreamDataSources * | user_stream_data_sources, |
ProcessSnapshot * | process_snapshot, | ||
MinidumpFileWriter * | minidump_file_writer ) |
Adds user extension streams to a minidump.
Dispatches to each source in user_stream_data_sources and adds returned extension streams to minidump_file_writer.
[in] | user_stream_data_sources | A pointer to the data sources, or nullptr . |
[in] | process_snapshot | An initialized snapshot to the crashing process. |
[in] | minidump_file_writer | Any extension streams will be added to this minidump. |
bool crashpad::AdvancePastNumber | ( | const char ** | input, |
T * | value ) |
Convert a prefix of a char string to a numeric value.
Valid values are positive or negative decimal numbers, matching the regular expression "-?\d+", and within the limits of T.
[in,out] | input | A pointer to the char string to match against. input is advanced past the number if one is found. |
[out] | value | The converted number, if one is found. |
if a number is found at the start of input and input is advanced, otherwise false
. bool crashpad::AdvancePastPrefix | ( | const char ** | input, |
const char * | pattern ) |
Match a pattern at the start of a char string.
[in,out] | input | A pointer to the char string to match against. input is advanced past the matched pattern if it is found. |
[in] | pattern | The pattern to match at the start of input. |
if the pattern is matched exactly and input is advanced, otherwise false
. void * crashpad::AlignedAllocate | ( | size_t | alignment, |
size_t | size ) |
Allocates memory with the specified alignment constraint.
This function wraps posix_memalign()
or _aligned_malloc()
. Memory allocated by this function must be released by AlignFree().
void crashpad::AlignedFree | ( | void * | pointer | ) |
Frees memory allocated by AlignedAllocate().
This function wraps free()
or _aligned_free()
void crashpad::AppendCommandLineArgument | ( | const std::wstring & | argument, |
std::wstring * | command_line ) |
Utility function for building escaped command lines.
This builds a command line so that individual arguments can be reliably decoded by CommandLineToArgvW()
argument is appended to command_line. If necessary, it will be placed in quotation marks and escaped properly. If command_line is initially non-empty, a space will precede argument.
[in] | argument | The argument to append to command_line. |
[in,out] | command_line | The command line being constructed. |
bool crashpad::AssignIfInRange | ( | Destination * | destination, |
Source | source ) |
Performs an assignment if it can be done safely, and signals if it cannot be done safely.
[out] | destination | A pointer to the variable to be assigned to. |
[in] | source | The value to assign. |
if source is in the range supported by the type of *destination, with the assignment to *destination having been performed. false
if the assignment cannot be completed safely because source is outside of this range.
constexpr |
Casts a value to its underlying type.
[in] | from | The value to be casted. |
pid_t crashpad::AuditPIDFromMachMessageTrailer | ( | const mach_msg_trailer_t * | trailer | ) |
Returns the process ID of a Mach message’s sender from its audit trailer.
For the audit trailer to be present, the message must have been received with kMachMessageReceiveAuditTrailer or its macro equivalent specified in the receive options.
If the kernel is the message’s sender, a process ID of 0
will be returned.
[in] | trailer | The trailer received with a Mach message. |
on failure with a message logged. It is considered a failure for trailer to not contain audit information. base::apple::ScopedMachReceiveRight crashpad::BootstrapCheckIn | ( | const std::string & | service_name | ) |
Makes a boostrap_check_in()
call to the process’ bootstrap server.
This function is provided to make it easier to call bootstrap_check_in()
while avoiding accidental leaks of the returned receive right.
[in] | service_name | The service name to check in. |
with a message logged. base::apple::ScopedMachSendRight crashpad::BootstrapLookUp | ( | const std::string & | service_name | ) |
Makes a boostrap_look_up()
call to the process’ bootstrap server.
This function is provided to make it easier to call bootstrap_look_up()
while avoiding accidental leaks of the returned send right.
[in] | service_name | The service name to look up. |
with a message logged. std::map< std::string, std::string > crashpad::BreakpadHTTPFormParametersFromMinidump | ( | const ProcessSnapshot * | process_snapshot | ) |
Given a ProcessSnapshot, returns a map of key-value pairs to use as HTTP form parameters for upload to a Breakpad crash report colleciton server.
The map is built by combining the process simple annotations map with each module’s simple annotations map and annotation objects.
In the case of duplicate simple map keys or annotation names, the map will retain the first value found for any key, and will log a warning about discarded values. The precedence rules for annotation names are: the two reserved keys discussed below, process simple annotations, module simple annotations, and module annotation objects.
For annotation objects, only ones of that are Annotation::Type::kString are included.
Each module’s annotations vector is also examined and built into a single string value, with distinct elements separated by newlines, and stored at the key named “list_annotations”, which supersedes any other key found by that name.
The client ID stored in the minidump is converted to a string and stored at the key named “guid”, which supersedes any other key found by that name.
In the event of an error reading the minidump file, a message will be logged.
[in] | process_snapshot | The process snapshot from which annotations will be extracted. |
std::vector< std::string > crashpad::BuildHandlerArgvStrings | ( | const base::FilePath & | handler, |
const base::FilePath & | database, | ||
const base::FilePath & | metrics_dir, | ||
const std::string & | url, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | annotations, | ||
const std::vector< std::string > & | arguments, | ||
const std::vector< base::FilePath > & | attachments = {} ) |
Builds a vector of arguments suitable for invoking a handler process based on arguments passed to StartHandler-type().
See StartHandlerAtCrash() for documentation on the input arguments.
void crashpad::BuildMinidumpThreadIDMap | ( | const std::vector< const ThreadSnapshot * > & | thread_snapshots, |
MinidumpThreadIDMap * | thread_id_map ) |
Builds a MinidumpThreadIDMap for a group of ThreadSnapshot objects.
[in] | thread_snapshots | The thread snapshots to use as source data. |
[out] | thread_id_map | A MinidumpThreadIDMap to be built by this method. This map must be empty when this function is called. |
The map ensures that for any unique 64-bit thread ID found in a ThreadSnapshot, the 32-bit thread ID used in a minidump file will also be unique.
size_t crashpad::c16lcpy | ( | char16_t * | destination, |
const char16_t * | source, | ||
size_t | length ) |
Copy a NUL
-terminated char16_t-based string to a fixed-size buffer.
This function behaves identically to strlcpy()
, but it operates on char16_t data instead of char
data. It copies the NUL
-terminated string in the buffer beginning at source to the buffer of size length at destination, ensuring that the destination buffer is NUL
-terminated. No data will be written outside of the destination buffer, but if length is smaller than the length of the string at source, the string will be truncated.
[out] | destination | A pointer to a buffer of at least size length char16_t units (not bytes). The string will be copied to this buffer, possibly with truncation, and NUL -terminated. Nothing will be written following the NUL terminator. |
[in] | source | A pointer to a NUL -terminated string of char16_t data. The NUL terminator must be a NUL value in a char16_t unit, not just a single NUL byte. |
[in] | length | The length of the destination buffer in char16_t units, not bytes. A maximum of `length - 1` char16_t units from source will be copied to destination. |
terminator. When truncation occurs, the return value will be equal to or greater than than the length parameter. void crashpad::CaptureContext | ( | NativeCPUContext * | cpu_context | ) |
Saves the CPU context.
The CPU context will be captured as accurately and completely as possible, containing an atomic snapshot at the point of this function’s return. This function does not modify any registers.
This function is a replacement for RtlCaptureContext()
and getcontext()
which contain bugs and/or limitations.
On 32-bit x86, RtlCaptureContext()
requires that ebp
be used as a frame pointer, and returns ebp
, esp
, and eip
out of sync with the other registers. Both the 32-bit x86 and 64-bit x86_64 versions of RtlCaptureContext()
capture only the state of the integer registers, ignoring floating-point and vector state.
CaptureContext isn't used on Fuchsia, nor does a concept of ucontext_t
exist on Fuchsia.
[out] | cpu_context | The structure to store the context in. |
OS | Architecture | Register |
Win | x86_64 | %rcx |
macOS/Linux | x86_64 | %rdi |
Linux | ARM/ARM64 | r0 /x0 |
Linux | MIPS/MIPS64 | $a0 |
Linux | RISCV64 | a0 |
Additionally, the value LR
on ARM/ARM64 will be the return address of this function.
If the value of these register prior to calling this function are needed they must be obtained separately prior to calling this function. For example:
bool crashpad::CaptureSnapshot | ( | PtraceConnection * | connection, |
const ExceptionHandlerProtocol::ClientInformation & | info, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | process_annotations, | ||
uid_t | client_uid, | ||
VMAddress | requesting_thread_stack_address, | ||
pid_t * | requesting_thread_id, | ||
std::unique_ptr< ProcessSnapshotLinux > * | process_snapshot, | ||
std::unique_ptr< ProcessSnapshotSanitized > * | sanitized_snapshot ) |
Captures a snapshot of a client over connection.
[in] | connection | A PtraceConnection to the client to snapshot. |
[in] | info | Information about the client configuring the snapshot. |
[in] | process_annotations | A map of annotations to insert as process-level annotations into the snapshot. |
[in] | client_uid | The client's user ID. |
[in] | requesting_thread_stack_address | An address on the stack of the thread requesting the snapshot. If info includes an exception address, the exception will be assigned to the thread whose stack address range contains this address. If 0, requesting_thread_id will be -1. |
[out] | requesting_thread_id | The thread ID of the thread corresponding to requesting_thread_stack_address. Set to -1 if the thread ID could not be determined. Optional. |
[out] | process_snapshot | A snapshot of the client process, valid if this function returns true . |
[out] | sanitized_snapshot | A sanitized snapshot of the client process, valid if this function returns true and sanitization was requested in info. |
if process_snapshot was successfully created. A message will be logged on failure, but not if the snapshot was skipped because handling was disabled by CrashpadInfoClientOptions. launch_data_t crashpad::CFPropertyToLaunchData | ( | CFPropertyListRef | property_cf | ) |
Converts a Core Foundation-type property list to a launchd-type launch_data_t
[in] | property_cf | The Core Foundation-type property list to convert. |
. The caller takes ownership of the returned value. On error, returns nullptr
types except for CFDateRef
, because there’s no launch_data_type_t
analogue. Not all types supported in a launchd-type launch_data_t
have CFPropertyListRef
analogues. void crashpad::CheckedCloseFile | ( | FileHandle | file | ) |
Wraps close()
or CloseHandle()
, ensuring that it succeeds.
If the underlying function fails, this function causes execution to terminate without returning.
void crashpad::CheckedReadFileAtEOF | ( | FileHandle | file | ) |
Wraps ReadFile(), ensuring that it indicates end-of-file.
Attempts to read a single byte from file, expecting no data to be read. If the underlying ReadFile() fails, or if a byte actually is read, this function causes execution to terminate without returning.
void crashpad::CheckedReadFileExactly | ( | FileHandle | file, |
void * | buffer, | ||
size_t | size ) |
Wraps ReadFile(), ensuring that exactly size bytes are read.
If the underlying ReadFile() fails, or if fewer than size bytes were read, this function causes execution to terminate without returning.
void crashpad::CheckedWriteFile | ( | FileHandle | file, |
const void * | buffer, | ||
size_t | size ) |
Wraps WriteFile(), ensuring that exactly size bytes are written.
if the underlying WriteFile() fails, or if fewer than size bytes were written, this function causes execution to terminate without returning.
uint64_t crashpad::ClockMonotonicNanoseconds | ( | ) |
Returns the value of the system’s monotonic clock.
The monotonic clock is a tick counter whose epoch is unspecified. It is a monotonically-increasing clock that cannot be set, and never jumps backwards on a running system. The monotonic clock may stop while the system is sleeping, and it may be reset when the system starts up. This clock is suitable for computing durations of events. Subject to the underlying clock’s resolution, successive calls to this function will result in a series of increasing values.
void crashpad::CloseMultipleNowOrOnExec | ( | int | fd, |
int | preserve_fd ) |
Close multiple file descriptors or mark them close-on-exec.
This is similar to the BSD/Solaris-style closefrom()
routine, which closes all open file descriptors equal to or higher than its fd argument. This function must not be called while other threads are active. It is intended to be used in a child process created by fork()
, prior to calling an exec()
-family function. This guarantees that a (possibly untrustworthy) child process does not inherit file descriptors that it has no need for.
Unlike the BSD function, this function may not close file descriptors immediately, but may instead mark them as close-on-exec. The actual behavior chosen is specific to the operating system. On macOS, file descriptors are marked close-on-exec instead of being closed outright in order to avoid raising EXC_GUARD
exceptions for guarded file descriptors that are protected against close()
[in] | fd | The lowest file descriptor to close or set as close-on-exec. |
[in] | preserve_fd | A file descriptor to preserve and not close (or set as close-on-exec), even if it is open and its value is greater than fd. To not preserve any file descriptor, pass -1 for this parameter. |
void crashpad::CloseStdinAndStdout | ( | ) |
Closes stdin
and stdout
by opening /dev/null
over them.
It is normally inadvisable to close()
the three standard input/output streams, because they occupy special file descriptors. Closing them outright could result in their file descriptors being reused. This causes problems for library code (including the standard library) that expects these file descriptors to have special meaning.
This function discards the standard input and standard output streams by opening /dev/null
and assigning it to their file descriptors, closing whatever had been at those file descriptors previously.
, the standard error stream, is not closed. It is often useful to retain the ability to send diagnostic messages to the standard error stream.
bool crashpad::CrackURL | ( | const std::string & | url, |
std::string * | scheme, | ||
std::string * | host, | ||
std::string * | port, | ||
std::string * | rest ) |
Crack a URL into component parts.
This is not a general function, and works only on the limited style of URLs that are expected to be used by HTTPTransport::SetURL().
[in] | url | The URL to crack. |
[out] | scheme | The request scheme, either http or https. |
[out] | host | The hostname. |
[out] | port | The port. |
[out] | rest | The remainder of the URL (both resource and URL params). |
on success in which case all output parameters will be filled out, or false
on failure, in which case the output parameters will be unmodified and an error will be logged. HANDLE crashpad::CreateNamedPipeInstance | ( | const std::wstring & | pipe_name, |
bool | first_instance ) |
Wraps CreateNamedPipe() to create a single named pipe instance.
[in] | pipe_name | The name to use for the pipe. |
[in] | first_instance | If true , the named pipe instance will be created with FILE_FLAG_FIRST_PIPE_INSTANCE . This ensures that the the pipe name is not already in use when created. The first instance will be created with an untrusted integrity SACL so instances of this pipe can be connected to by processes of any integrity level. |
bool crashpad::DetermineMergedRange | ( | const MemorySnapshot * | a, |
const MemorySnapshot * | b, | ||
CheckedRange< uint64_t, size_t > * | merged ) |
The same as LoggingDetermineMergedRange but with no errors logged.
void crashpad::DropPrivileges | ( | ) |
Permanently drops privileges conferred by being a setuid or setgid executable.
The effective user ID and saved set-user ID are set to the real user ID, negating any effects of being a setuid executable. The effective group ID and saved set-group ID are set to the real group ID, negating any effects of being a setgid executable. Because the saved set-user ID and saved set-group ID are reset, there is no way to restore the prior privileges, and the drop is permanent.
This function drops privileges correctly when running setuid root and in other circumstances, including when running setuid non-root. If the program is not a setuid or setgid executable, this function has no effect.
No changes are made to the supplementary group list, which is normally not altered for setuid or setgid executables.
bool crashpad::ExcCrashCouldContainException | ( | exception_type_t | exception | ) |
Determines whether a given exception type could plausibly be carried within an EXC_CRASH
[in] | exception | The exception type to test. |
exception could plausibly carry exception.An EXC_CRASH
exception can wrap exceptions that originate as hardware faults, as well as exceptions that originate from certain software sources such as POSIX signals. It cannot wrap another EXC_CRASH
exception, nor can it wrap EXC_RESOURCE
exceptions. It also cannot wrap Crashpad-specific kMachExceptionSimulated exceptions.
exception_type_t crashpad::ExcCrashRecoverOriginalException | ( | mach_exception_code_t | code_0, |
mach_exception_code_t * | original_code_0, | ||
int * | signal ) |
Recovers the original exception, first exception code, and signal from the encoded form of the first exception code delivered with EXC_CRASH
exceptions are generated when the kernel has committed to terminating a process as a result of a core-generating POSIX signal and, for hardware exceptions, an earlier Mach exception. Information about this earlier exception and signal is made available to the EXC_CRASH
handler via its code[0]
parameter. This function recovers the original exception, the value of code[0]
from the original exception, and the value of the signal responsible for process termination.
[in] | code_0 | The first exception code (code[0] ) passed to a Mach exception handler in an EXC_CRASH exception. It is invalid to call this function with an exception code from any exception other than EXC_CRASH . |
[out] | original_code_0 | The first exception code (code[0] ) passed to the Mach exception handler for a hardware exception that resulted in the generation of a POSIX signal that caused process termination. If the signal that caused termination was not sent as a result of a hardware exception, this will be 0 . Callers that do not need this value may pass nullptr . |
[out] | signal | The POSIX signal that caused process termination. Callers that do not need this value may pass nullptr . |
. exception_behavior_t crashpad::ExceptionBehaviorBasic | ( | exception_behavior_t | behavior | ) |
Returns the basic behavior value of behavior, its value without MACH_EXCEPTION_CODES
[in] | behavior | An exception behavior value. |
, assuming behavior was a correct exception behavior value. bool crashpad::ExceptionBehaviorHasIdentity | ( | exception_behavior_t | behavior | ) |
Determines whether behavior indicates an exception behavior that carries thread and task identities.
When this function returns true
, an exception message of behavior will carry thread and task identities in the form of send rights to the thread and task ports. Its thread and task fields will be valid. When this function returns false
, these fields will not be valid.
Exception behaviors that carry thread and task identity information are EXCEPTION_DEFAULT
may also be set. These behaviors correspond to exception_raise()
, exception_raise_state_identity()
, mach_exception_raise()
, and mach_exception_raise_state_identity()
[in] | behavior | An exception behavior value. |
if behavior is EXCEPTION_DEFAULT
, possibly with MACH_EXCEPTION_CODES
also set. bool crashpad::ExceptionBehaviorHasMachExceptionCodes | ( | exception_behavior_t | behavior | ) |
Determines whether behavior indicates an exception behavior that carries 64-bit exception codes (“Mach exception codes”).
When this function returns true
, an exception message of behavior will carry 64-bit exception codes of type mach_exception_code_t
in its code field. When this function returns false
, the exception message will carry 32-bit exception codes of type exception_data_type_t
in its code field.
Exception behaviors that carry 64-bit exception codes are those that have MACH_EXCEPTION_CODES
set. These behaviors correspond to mach_exception_raise()
, mach_exception_raise_state()
, and mach_exception_raise_state_identity()
[in] | behavior | An exception behavior value. |
is set in behavior. bool crashpad::ExceptionBehaviorHasState | ( | exception_behavior_t | behavior | ) |
Determines whether behavior indicates an exception behavior that carries thread state information.
When this function returns true
, an exception message of behavior will carry thread state information. Its flavor, old_state, old_state_count, new_state, and new_state_count fields will be valid. When this function returns false
, these fields will not be valid.
Exception behaviors that carry thread state information are EXCEPTION_STATE
may also be set. These behaviors correspond to exception_raise_state()
, exception_raise_state_identity()
, mach_exception_raise_state()
, and mach_exception_raise_state_identity()
[in] | behavior | An exception behavior value. |
if behavior is EXCEPTION_STATE
, possibly with MACH_EXCEPTION_CODES
also set. std::string crashpad::ExceptionBehaviorToString | ( | exception_behavior_t | behavior, |
SymbolicConstantToStringOptions | options ) |
Converts a Mach exception behavior value to a textual representation.
[in] | behavior | The Mach exception behavior value to convert. |
[in] | options | Options affecting the conversion. kUseOr is ignored. MACH_EXCEPTION_CODES can always be ORed in, but no other values can be ORed with each other. For kUnknownIsNumeric, the format is "%#x" . |
int32_t crashpad::ExceptionCodeForMetrics | ( | exception_type_t | exception, |
mach_exception_code_t | code_0 ) |
Returns the exception code to report via a configured metrics system.
[in] | exception | The exception type as received by a Mach exception handler. |
[in] | code_0 | The first exception code (code[0] ) as received by a Mach exception handler. |
For classic Mach exceptions (including hardware faults reported as Mach exceptions), the mapping is (exception << 16) | code_0
exceptions that originate as Mach exceptions described above, the mapping above is used, with the original exception’s values. For EXC_CRASH
exceptions that originate as POSIX signals without an underlying Mach exception, the mapping is (EXC_CRASH << 16) | code_0
exceptions both contain exception-specific “type” values and type-specific “flavor” values. In these cases, the mapping is (exception << 16) | (type << 8) | flavor
, the “flavor” value is rewritten to be more space-efficient by replacing the kernel-supplied bitmask having exactly one bit set with the index of the set bit.
exceptions are reported as classic Mach exceptions with the code_0 field set to 0
If exception is kMachExceptionSimulated, that value is returned as-is.
Overflow conditions in any field are handled via saturation.
std::string crashpad::ExceptionMaskToString | ( | exception_mask_t | exception_mask, |
SymbolicConstantToStringOptions | options ) |
Converts a Mach exception mask value to a textual representation.
[in] | exception_mask | The Mach exception mask value to convert. |
[in] | options | Options affecting the conversion. kUseOr is honored. For kUnknownIsNumeric, the format is "%#x" . |
std::string crashpad::ExceptionToString | ( | exception_type_t | exception, |
SymbolicConstantToStringOptions | options ) |
Converts a Mach exception value to a textual representation.
[in] | exception | The Mach exception value to convert. |
[in] | options | Options affecting the conversion. kUseOr is ignored. For kUnknownIsNumeric, the format is "%d" . |
exception_mask_t crashpad::ExcMaskAll | ( | ) |
The value for EXC_MASK_ALL
appropriate for the operating system at run time.
The SDK’s definition of EXC_MASK_ALL
has changed over time, with later versions containing more bits set than earlier versions. However, older kernels will reject exception masks that contain bits set that they don’t recognize. Calling this function will return a value for EXC_MASK_ALL
appropriate for the system at run time.
does not include the value of EXC_MASK_CRASH
. Consumers that want EXC_MASK_ALL
along with EXC_MASK_CRASH
may use ExcMaskAll() | EXC_MASK_CRASH
. Consumers may use ExcMaskValid() for EXC_MASK_ALL
along with EXC_MASK_CRASH
, and any values that come into existence in the future. exception_mask_t crashpad::ExcMaskValid | ( | ) |
An exception mask containing every possible exception understood by the operating system at run time.
, and thus ExcMaskAll(), never includes the value of EXC_MASK_CRASH
. For situations where an exception mask corresponding to every possible exception understood by the running kernel is desired, use this function instead.
Should new exception types be introduced in the future, this function will be updated to include their bits in the returned mask value when run time support is present.
void crashpad::ExcServerCopyState | ( | exception_behavior_t | behavior, |
ConstThreadState | old_state, | ||
mach_msg_type_number_t | old_state_count, | ||
thread_state_t | new_state, | ||
mach_msg_type_number_t * | new_state_count ) |
Copies the old state to the new state for state-carrying exceptions.
When the kernel sends a state-carrying exception request and the response is successful (MACH_MSG_SUCCESS
, a synonym for KERN_SUCCESS
), it will set a new thread state based on new_state and new_state_count. To ease initialization of the new state, this function copies old_state and old_state_count. This is only done if behavior indicates a state-carrying exception.
[in] | behavior | The behavior of the exception handler as invoked. This may be taken directly from the behavior parameter of internal::SimplifiedExcServer::Interface::CatchException(), for example. |
[in] | old_state | The original state value. This may be taken directly from the old_state parameter of internal::SimplifiedExcServer::Interface::CatchException(), for example. |
[in] | old_state_count | The number of significant natural_t words in old_state. This may be taken directly from the old_state_count parameter of internal::SimplifiedExcServer::Interface::CatchException(), for example. |
[out] | new_state | The state value to be set. This may be taken directly from the new_state parameter of internal::SimplifiedExcServer::Interface::CatchException(), for example. This parameter is untouched if behavior is not state-carrying. |
[in,out] | new_state_count | On entry, the number of natural_t words available to be written to in new_state. On return, the number of significant natural_t words in new_state. This may be taken directly from the new_state_count parameter of internal::SimplifiedExcServer::Interface::CatchException(), for example. This parameter is untouched if behavior is not state-carrying. If behavior is state-carrying, this parameter should be at least as large as old_state_count. |
kern_return_t crashpad::ExcServerSuccessfulReturnValue | ( | exception_type_t | exception, |
exception_behavior_t | behavior, | ||
bool | set_thread_state ) |
Computes an approriate successful return value for an exception handler function.
For exception handlers that respond to state-carrying behaviors, when the handler is called by the kernel (as it is normally), the kernel will attempt to set a new thread state when the exception handler returns successfully. Other code that mimics the kernel’s exception-delivery semantics may implement the same or similar behavior. In some situations, it is undesirable to set a new thread state. If the exception handler were to return unsuccessfully, however, the kernel would continue searching for an exception handler at a wider (task or host) scope. This may also be undesirable.
If such exception handlers return MACH_RCV_PORT_DIED
, the kernel will not set a new thread state and will also not search for another exception handler. See 10.9.4 xnu-2422.110.17/osfmk/kern/exception.c
. exception_deliver()
will only set a new thread state if the handler’s return code was MACH_MSG_SUCCESS
(a synonym for KERN_SUCCESS
), and subsequently, exception_triage()
will not search for a new handler if the handler’s return code was KERN_SUCCESS
This function allows exception handlers to compute an appropriate return code to influence their caller (the kernel) in the desired way with respect to setting a new thread state while suppressing the caller’s subsequent search for other exception handlers. An exception handler should return the value returned by this function.
This function is useful even for EXC_CRASH
handlers, where returning KERN_SUCCESS
and allowing the kernel to set a new thread state has been observed to cause a perceptible and unnecessary waste of time. The victim task in an EXC_CRASH
handler is already being terminated and is no longer schedulable, so there is no point in setting the states of any of its threads.
mechanism cannot be used with an EXC_CRASH
handler without triggering an undesirable EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY
exception. In that case, KERN_SUCCESS
is always returned. Because this function may return KERN_SUCCESS
for a state-carrying exception, it is important to ensure that the state returned by a state-carrying exception handler is valid, because it will be passed to thread_set_status()
. ExcServerCopyState() may be used to achieve this.
[in] | exception | The exception type passed to the exception handler. This may be taken directly from the exception parameter of internal::SimplifiedExcServer::Interface::CatchException(), for example. |
[in] | behavior | The behavior of the exception handler as invoked. This may be taken directly from the behavior parameter of internal::SimplifiedExcServer::Interface::CatchException(), for example. |
[in] | set_thread_state | true if the handler would like its caller to set the new thread state using the flavor, new_state, and new_state_count out parameters. This can only happen when behavior is a state-carrying behavior. |
is used when behavior is not a state-carrying behavior, or when it is a state-carrying behavior and set_thread_state is true
, or for EXC_CRASH
exceptions on OS X 10.11 and later. Otherwise, MACH_RCV_PORT_DIED
is used. bool crashpad::FileModificationTime | ( | const base::FilePath & | path, |
timespec * | mtime ) |
Determines the modification time for a file, directory, or symbolic link, logging a message on failure.
[in] | path | The file to get the modification time for. |
[out] | mtime | The modification time as seconds since the POSIX Epoch. |
on success. false
on failure with a message logged. crashpad::FromPointerCast | ( | From | from | ) |
Casts from a pointer type to an integer.
Compared to reinterpret_cast<>()
, FromPointerCast<>() defines whether a pointer type is sign-extended or zero-extended. Casts to signed integral types are sign-extended. Casts to unsigned integral types are zero-extended.
Use FromPointerCast<>() instead of reinterpret_cast<>()
when casting a pointer to an integral type that may not be the same width as a pointer. There is no need to prefer FromPointerCast<>() when casting to an integral type that’s definitely the same width as a pointer, such as uintptr_t
and intptr_t
bool crashpad::GetBootTime | ( | timespec * | ts | ) |
Get the kernel boot time. Subsequent calls to this function may return different results due to the system clock being changed or imprecision in measuring the boot time.
on success. Otherwise, false
with a message logged. std::vector< zx_koid_t > crashpad::GetChildKoids | ( | const zx::object_base & | parent, |
zx_object_info_topic_t | child_kind ) |
Get a list of child koids for a parent handle.
For example, the list of processes in jobs, or the list of threads in a process.
[in] | parent | The handle to the parent object. |
[in] | child_kind | The type of children to retrieve from parent. Valid values depend on the type of parent, but include ZX_INFO_JOB_CHILDREN (child jobs of a job), ZX_INFO_JOB_PROCESSES (child processes of a job), and ZX_INFO_PROCESS_THREADS (child threads of a process). |
uint64_t crashpad::GetDirectorySize | ( | const base::FilePath & | dirPath | ) |
Returns the recursive sum of the size of the files in |dirPath|. The function will ignore symlinks (not follow them, not add them to the returned size).
[in] | dirPath | The path to the directory |
const void * crashpad::GetFallbackSecurityDescriptorForNamedPipeInstance | ( | size_t * | size | ) |
blob that will be used for creating the connection pipe in CreateNamedPipeInstance() if the full descriptor can't be created.
This function is only exposed for testing.
[out] | size | The size of the returned blob. May be nullptr if not required. |
. Ownership is not transferred to the caller. uint64_t crashpad::GetFileSize | ( | const base::FilePath & | filepath | ) |
Returns the size of the file at |filepath|. The function will ignore symlinks (not follow them, not add them to the returned size).
std::vector< zx::thread > crashpad::GetHandlesForThreadKoids | ( | const zx::process & | parent, |
const std::vector< zx_koid_t > & | koids ) |
Convert a list of koids that are all children of a particular process into thread handles.
[in] | parent | The parent object to which the koids belong. |
[in] | koids | The list of koids. |
entry in the return. zx_koid_t crashpad::GetKoidForHandle | ( | const zx::object_base & | object | ) |
Retrieves the koid for a given object handle.
[in] | object | The handle for which the koid is to be retrieved. |
with an error logged. bool crashpad::GetModuleVersionAndType | ( | const base::FilePath & | path, |
VS_FIXEDFILEINFO * | vs_fixedfileinfo ) |
Retrieve the type and version information from a given module (exe, dll, etc.)
This function calls GetFileVersionInfo()
, which can implicitly call LoadLibrary()
to load path into the calling process. Do not call this function on an untrusted module, because there is a risk of executing the module’s code.
[in] | path | The path to the module to be inspected. |
[out] | vs_fixedfileinfo | The VS_FIXEDFILEINFO on success. VS_FIXEDFILEINFO::dwFileFlags will have been masked with VS_FIXEDFILEINFO::dwFileFlagsMask already. |
on success, or false
on failure with a message logged. If the module has no VERSIONINFO
resource, false
will be returned without any messages logged. std::vector< CheckedRange< WinVMAddress, WinVMSize > > crashpad::GetReadableRangesOfMemoryMap | ( | const CheckedRange< WinVMAddress, WinVMSize > & | range, |
const ProcessInfo::MemoryBasicInformation64Vector & | memory_info ) |
Given a memory map of a process, and a range to be read from the target process, returns a vector of ranges, representing the readable portions of the original range.
This is a free function for testing, but prefer ProcessInfo::GetReadableRanges().
const void * crashpad::GetSecurityDescriptorForNamedPipeInstance | ( | size_t * | size | ) |
blob that will be used for creating the connection pipe in CreateNamedPipeInstance().
This function is only exposed for testing.
[out] | size | The size of the returned blob. May be nullptr if not required. |
. Ownership is not transferred to the caller. zx::thread crashpad::GetThreadHandleByKoid | ( | const zx::process & | parent, |
zx_koid_t | child_koid ) |
Retrieve the handle of a process' thread, based on koid.
[in] | parent | The parent object to which the child belongs. |
[in] | child_koid | The koid of the child to retrieve. |
if the handle could not be retrieved, in which case an error will be logged. std::vector< zx::thread > crashpad::GetThreadHandles | ( | const zx::process & | parent | ) |
Get handles representing a list of child objects of a given parent.
[in] | parent | The handle to the parent object. |
int crashpad::HandlerMain | ( | int | argc, |
char * | argv[], | ||
const UserStreamDataSources * | user_stream_sources ) |
The main()
of the crashpad_handler
This is exposed so that crashpad_handler
can be embedded into another binary, but called and used as if it were a standalone executable.
[in] | argc | argc as passed to main() . |
[in] | argv | argv as passed to main() . |
[in] | user_stream_sources | An optional vector containing the extensibility data sources to call on crash. Each time a minidump is created, the sources are called in turn. Any streams returned are added to the minidump. |
int crashpad::HandleToInt | ( | HANDLE | handle | ) |
Converts a HANDLE
to an int
is a typedef
for void *
, but kernel HANDLE
values aren’t pointers to anything. Only 32 bits of kernel HANDLE
s are significant, even in 64-bit processes on 64-bit operating systems. See Interprocess Communication Between 32-bit and 64-bit Applications.
This function safely converts a kernel HANDLE
to an int
similarly to a cast operation. It checks that the operation can be performed safely, and aborts execution if it cannot.
[in] | handle | The kernel HANDLE to convert. |
, truncated (if necessary) from handle. If truncation would have resulted in an int
that could not be converted back to handle, aborts execution.bool crashpad::InitializeCriticalSectionWithDebugInfoIfPossible | ( | CRITICAL_SECTION * | critical_section | ) |
Equivalent to InitializeCritialSection()
, but attempts to allocate with a valid .DebugInfo
field on versions of Windows where it's possible to do so.
on success, or false
on failure with a message logged. Success means that the critical section was successfully initialized, but it does not necessarily have a valid .DebugInfo
field. bool crashpad::InitializeSignalDispositions | ( | ) |
Establishes signal dispositions for a process based on the platform.
Default signal dispositions are normally configured by the kernel, but additional signal handlers might be installed by dependent or preloaded libraries, e.g. Bionic normally installs signal handlers which log stack traces to Android's logcat.
This function initializes signal dispositions when the default dispositions provided by the platform are broken. This function must be called before any application level signal handlers have been installed and should be called early in the process lifetime to reduce the chance of any broken signal handlers being triggered.
When running on Android M (API 23), this function installs SIG_DFL
for signals: SIGABRT
on success. Otherwise false
with a message logged. Destination crashpad::InRangeCast | ( | Source | source, |
Destination | default_value ) |
Casts to a different type if it can be done without data loss, logging a warning message and returing a default value otherwise.
[in] | source | The value to convert and return. |
[in] | default_value | The default value to return, in the event that source cannot be represented in the destination type. |
void crashpad::InstallObjcExceptionPreprocessor | ( | ObjcExceptionDelegate * | delegate | ) |
Installs the Objective-C exception preprocessor.
When code raises an Objective-C exception, unwind the stack looking for any exception handlers. If an exception handler is encountered, test to see if it is a function known to be a catch-and-rethrow 'sinkhole' exception handler. Various routines in UIKit do this, and they obscure the crashing stack, since the original throw location is no longer present on the stack (just the re-throw) when Crashpad captures the crash report. In the case of sinkholes, trigger an immediate exception to capture the original stack.
This should be installed at the same time the CrashpadClient installs the signal handler. It should only be installed once.
HANDLE crashpad::IntToHandle | ( | int | handle_int | ) |
Converts an int
to an HANDLE
is a typedef
for void *
, but kernel HANDLE
values aren’t pointers to anything. Only 32 bits of kernel HANDLE
s are significant, even in 64-bit processes on 64-bit operating systems. See Interprocess Communication Between 32-bit and 64-bit Applications.
This function safely convert an int
to a kernel HANDLE
similarly to a cast operation.
[in] | handle_int | The int to convert. This must have been produced by HandleToInt(), possibly in a different process. |
, sign-extended (if necessary) from handle_int.bool crashpad::IsDirectory | ( | const base::FilePath & | path, |
bool | allow_symlinks ) |
Determines if a path refers to a directory, logging a message on failure.
On POSIX, if this function fails because path does not exist, then no message is logged.
[in] | path | The path to check. |
[in] | allow_symlinks | Whether to allow the final component in the path to be a symbolic link to a directory. |
if the path exists and is a directory. Otherwise false
. bool crashpad::IsExceptionNonfatalResource | ( | exception_type_t | exception, |
mach_exception_code_t | code_0, | ||
pid_t | pid ) |
Determines whether an exception is a non-fatal EXC_RESOURCE
[in] | exception | The exception type as received by a Mach exception handler. |
[in] | code_0 | The first exception code (code[0] ) as received by a Mach exception handler. |
[in] | pid | The process ID that the exception occurred in. In some cases, process may need to be queried to determine whether an EXC_RESOURCE exception is fatal. |
if the exception is a non-fatal EXC_RESOURCE
. false
otherwise. If the exception is EXC_RESOURCE
of a recognized type but it is not possible to determine whether it is fatal, returns true
under the assumption that all known EXC_RESOURCE
exceptions are non-fatal by default. If the exception is not EXC_RESOURCE
or is an unknown EXC_RESOURCE
type, returns false
. bool crashpad::IsMalformedCLKernelsModule | ( | uint32_t | mach_o_file_type, |
const std::string & | module_name ) |
Determines whether a module appears to be a malformed OpenCL cl_kernels
module based on its name and Mach-O file type.
modules require special handling because they’re malformed on OS X 10.10 and later. A cl_kernels
module always has Mach-O type MH_BUNDLE
and is named "cl_kernels"
until macOS 10.14, and "/private/var/db/CVMS/cvmsCodeSignObj"
plus 16 random characters on macOS 10.14.
Malformed cl_kernels
modules have a single __TEXT
segment, but one of the sections within it claims to belong to the __LD
segment. This mismatch shouldn’t happen. This errant section also has the S_ATTR_DEBUG
flag set, which shouldn’t happen unless all of the other sections in the segment also have this bit set (they don’t). These odd sections are reminiscent of unwind information stored in MH_OBJECT
images, although cl_kernels
images claim to be MH_BUNDLE
These cl_kernels
modules have only been observed on x86, not on arm64. This function always returns false
on arm64.
This function is exposed for testing purposes only.
[in] | mach_o_file_type | The Mach-O type of the module being examined. |
[in] | module_name | The pathname that dyld reported having loaded the module from. |
if the module appears to be a malformed cl_kernels
module based on the provided information, false
otherwise. bool crashpad::IsRegularFile | ( | const base::FilePath & | path | ) |
Determines if a path refers to a regular file, logging a message on failure.
On POSIX, this function returns true
if path refers to a file that is not a symbolic link, directory, or other kind of special file. If this function fails because path does not exist, then no message is logged.
On Windows, this function returns true
if path refers to a file that is not a symbolic link or directory.
[in] | path | The path to the file to check. |
if the file exists and is a regular file. Otherwise false
. bool crashpad::IsThreadInLoaderLock | ( | ) |
if the current thread holds the loader lock.
inline |
Wraps the <launch.h>
function of the same name.
The OS X 10.10 SDK deprecates <launch.h>
, although the functionality it provides is still useful. These wrappers allow the deprecated functions to be called without triggering deprecated-declaration warnings.
inline |
Wraps the <launch.h>
function of the same name.
The OS X 10.10 SDK deprecates <launch.h>
, although the functionality it provides is still useful. These wrappers allow the deprecated functions to be called without triggering deprecated-declaration warnings.
inline |
Wraps the <launch.h>
function of the same name.
The OS X 10.10 SDK deprecates <launch.h>
, although the functionality it provides is still useful. These wrappers allow the deprecated functions to be called without triggering deprecated-declaration warnings.
inline |
Wraps the <launch.h>
function of the same name.
The OS X 10.10 SDK deprecates <launch.h>
, although the functionality it provides is still useful. These wrappers allow the deprecated functions to be called without triggering deprecated-declaration warnings.
inline |
Wraps the <launch.h>
function of the same name.
The OS X 10.10 SDK deprecates <launch.h>
, although the functionality it provides is still useful. These wrappers allow the deprecated functions to be called without triggering deprecated-declaration warnings.
inline |
Wraps the <launch.h>
function of the same name.
The OS X 10.10 SDK deprecates <launch.h>
, although the functionality it provides is still useful. These wrappers allow the deprecated functions to be called without triggering deprecated-declaration warnings.
inline |
Wraps the <launch.h>
function of the same name.
The OS X 10.10 SDK deprecates <launch.h>
, although the functionality it provides is still useful. These wrappers allow the deprecated functions to be called without triggering deprecated-declaration warnings.
inline |
Wraps the <launch.h>
function of the same name.
The OS X 10.10 SDK deprecates <launch.h>
, although the functionality it provides is still useful. These wrappers allow the deprecated functions to be called without triggering deprecated-declaration warnings.
inline |
Wraps the <launch.h>
function of the same name.
The OS X 10.10 SDK deprecates <launch.h>
, although the functionality it provides is still useful. These wrappers allow the deprecated functions to be called without triggering deprecated-declaration warnings.
inline |
Wraps the <launch.h>
function of the same name.
The OS X 10.10 SDK deprecates <launch.h>
, although the functionality it provides is still useful. These wrappers allow the deprecated functions to be called without triggering deprecated-declaration warnings.
inline |
Wraps the <launch.h>
function of the same name.
The OS X 10.10 SDK deprecates <launch.h>
, although the functionality it provides is still useful. These wrappers allow the deprecated functions to be called without triggering deprecated-declaration warnings.
inline |
Wraps the <launch.h>
function of the same name.
The OS X 10.10 SDK deprecates <launch.h>
, although the functionality it provides is still useful. These wrappers allow the deprecated functions to be called without triggering deprecated-declaration warnings.
inline |
Wraps the <launch.h>
function of the same name.
The OS X 10.10 SDK deprecates <launch.h>
, although the functionality it provides is still useful. These wrappers allow the deprecated functions to be called without triggering deprecated-declaration warnings.
inline |
Wraps the <launch.h>
function of the same name.
The OS X 10.10 SDK deprecates <launch.h>
, although the functionality it provides is still useful. These wrappers allow the deprecated functions to be called without triggering deprecated-declaration warnings.
inline |
Wraps the <launch.h>
function of the same name.
The OS X 10.10 SDK deprecates <launch.h>
, although the functionality it provides is still useful. These wrappers allow the deprecated functions to be called without triggering deprecated-declaration warnings.
inline |
Wraps the <launch.h>
function of the same name.
The OS X 10.10 SDK deprecates <launch.h>
, although the functionality it provides is still useful. These wrappers allow the deprecated functions to be called without triggering deprecated-declaration warnings.
inline |
Wraps the <launch.h>
function of the same name.
The OS X 10.10 SDK deprecates <launch.h>
, although the functionality it provides is still useful. These wrappers allow the deprecated functions to be called without triggering deprecated-declaration warnings.
inline |
Wraps the <launch.h>
function of the same name.
The OS X 10.10 SDK deprecates <launch.h>
, although the functionality it provides is still useful. These wrappers allow the deprecated functions to be called without triggering deprecated-declaration warnings.
inline |
Wraps the <launch.h>
function of the same name.
The OS X 10.10 SDK deprecates <launch.h>
, although the functionality it provides is still useful. These wrappers allow the deprecated functions to be called without triggering deprecated-declaration warnings.
inline |
Wraps the <launch.h>
function of the same name.
The OS X 10.10 SDK deprecates <launch.h>
, although the functionality it provides is still useful. These wrappers allow the deprecated functions to be called without triggering deprecated-declaration warnings.
inline |
Wraps the <launch.h>
function of the same name.
The OS X 10.10 SDK deprecates <launch.h>
, although the functionality it provides is still useful. These wrappers allow the deprecated functions to be called without triggering deprecated-declaration warnings.
inline |
Wraps the <launch.h>
function of the same name.
The OS X 10.10 SDK deprecates <launch.h>
, although the functionality it provides is still useful. These wrappers allow the deprecated functions to be called without triggering deprecated-declaration warnings.
bool crashpad::LoggingCloseFile | ( | FileHandle | file | ) |
Wraps close()
or CloseHandle()
, logging an error if the operation fails.
is returned. On failure, an error is logged and false
is returned. bool crashpad::LoggingCreateDirectory | ( | const base::FilePath & | path, |
FilePermissions | permissions, | ||
bool | may_reuse ) |
Creates a directory, logging a message on failure.
[in] | path | The path to the directory to create. |
[in] | permissions | The permissions to use if the directory is created. |
[in] | may_reuse | If true , this function will return true if a directory or symbolic link to a directory with path path already exists. If the directory already exists, it's permissions may differ from permissions. |
if the directory is successfully created or it already existed and may_reuse is true
. Otherwise, false
. bool crashpad::LoggingDetermineMergedRange | ( | const MemorySnapshot * | a, |
const MemorySnapshot * | b, | ||
CheckedRange< uint64_t, size_t > * | merged ) |
Given two memory snapshots, checks if they're overlapping or abutting, and if so, returns the result of merging the two ranges.
This function is useful to implement MemorySnapshot::MergeWithOtherSnapshot().
[in] | a | The first range. Must have Size() > 0. |
[in] | b | The second range. Must have Size() > 0. |
[out] | merged | The resulting merged range. May be nullptr if only a characterization of the ranges is desired. |
if the input ranges overlap or abut, with merged filled out, otherwise, false
with an error logged if log is true
. FileOffset crashpad::LoggingFileSizeByHandle | ( | FileHandle | file | ) |
Determines the size of a file.
[in] | file | The handle to the file for which the size should be retrieved. |
with an error logged. FileHandle crashpad::LoggingOpenFileForRead | ( | const base::FilePath & | path | ) |
Wraps OpenFileForRead(), logging an error if the operation fails.
FileHandle crashpad::LoggingOpenFileForReadAndWrite | ( | const base::FilePath & | path, |
FileWriteMode | mode, | ||
FilePermissions | permissions ) |
Wraps OpenFileForReadAndWrite(), logging an error if the operation fails.
FileHandle crashpad::LoggingOpenFileForWrite | ( | const base::FilePath & | path, |
FileWriteMode | mode, | ||
FilePermissions | permissions ) |
Wraps OpenFileForWrite(), logging an error if the operation fails.
bool crashpad::LoggingReadEntireFile | ( | const base::FilePath & | path, |
std::string * | contents ) |
Wraps LoggingOpenFileForRead() and ReadFile() reading the entire file into contents.
on success, or false
with a message logged. bool crashpad::LoggingReadFileExactly | ( | FileHandle | file, |
void * | buffer, | ||
size_t | size ) |
Wraps ReadFile(), retrying following a short read, ensuring that exactly size bytes are read. Logs an error on failure.
on success. Returns false
if the underlying ReadFile() fails or if fewer than size bytes were read.FileOperationResult crashpad::LoggingReadFileUntil | ( | FileHandle | file, |
void * | buffer, | ||
size_t | size ) |
Wraps ReadFile(), retrying following a short read. Logs an error on failure.
if the underlying ReadFile() fails.bool crashpad::LoggingReadToEOF | ( | FileHandle | file, |
std::string * | contents ) |
Wraps ReadFile() to read from the current file position to the end of the file into contents.
on success, or false
with a message logged. bool crashpad::LoggingRemoveDirectory | ( | const base::FilePath & | path | ) |
Non-recurseively removes an empty directory, logging a message on failure.
This function will not remove symbolic links to directories.
[in] | path | The to the directory to remove. |
if the directory was removed. Otherwise, false
. bool crashpad::LoggingRemoveFile | ( | const base::FilePath & | path | ) |
Removes a file or a symbolic link to a file or directory, logging a message on failure.
[in] | path | The path to the file to remove. |
on success. false
on failure with a message logged. FileOffset crashpad::LoggingSeekFile | ( | FileHandle | file, |
FileOffset | offset, | ||
int | whence ) |
Wraps lseek()
or SetFilePointerEx()
. Logs an error if the operation fails.
Repositions the offset of the open file to the specified offset, relative to whence. whence must be one of SEEK_SET
, and is interpreted in the usual way.
on failure. bool crashpad::LoggingTruncateFile | ( | FileHandle | file | ) |
Truncates the given file to zero bytes in length.
on success, or false
, and a message will be logged. bool crashpad::LoggingWriteFile | ( | FileHandle | file, |
const void * | buffer, | ||
size_t | size ) |
Wraps WriteFile(), ensuring that exactly size bytes are written.
on success. If the underlying WriteFile() fails, or if fewer than size bytes were written, this function logs a message and returns false
.MachMessageDeadline crashpad::MachMessageDeadlineFromTimeout | ( | mach_msg_timeout_t | timeout_ms | ) |
Computes the deadline for a specified timeout value.
While deadlines exist on an absolute time scale, timeouts are relative. This function calculates the deadline as timeout_ms milliseconds after it executes.
If timeout_ms is kMachMessageDeadlineNonblocking, this function will return kMachMessageDeadlineNonblocking. If timeout_ms is kMachMessageTimeoutWaitIndefinitely, this function will return kMachMessageDeadlineWaitIndefinitely.
bool crashpad::MachMessageDestroyReceivedPort | ( | mach_port_t | port, |
mach_msg_type_name_t | port_right_type ) |
Destroys or deallocates a Mach port received in a Mach message.
This function disposes of port rights received in a Mach message. Receive rights will be destroyed with mach_port_mod_refs()
. Send and send-once rights will be deallocated with mach_port_deallocate()
[in] | port | The port to destroy or deallocate. |
[in] | port_right_type | The right type held for port: MACH_MSG_TYPE_PORT_RECEIVE , MACH_MSG_TYPE_PORT_SEND , or MACH_MSG_TYPE_PORT_SEND_ONCE . |
on success, or false
on failure with a message logged. const mach_msg_trailer_t * crashpad::MachMessageTrailerFromHeader | ( | const mach_msg_header_t * | header | ) |
Returns a Mach message trailer for a message that has been received.
This function must only be called on Mach messages that have been received via the Mach messaging interface, such as mach_msg()
. Messages constructed for sending do not contain trailers.
[in] | header | A pointer to a received Mach message. |
or a similar function when the message was received. mach_msg_return_t crashpad::MachMessageWithDeadline | ( | mach_msg_header_t * | message, |
mach_msg_option_t | options, | ||
mach_msg_size_t | receive_size, | ||
mach_port_name_t | receive_port, | ||
MachMessageDeadline | deadline, | ||
mach_port_name_t | notify_port, | ||
bool | run_even_if_expired ) |
Runs mach_msg()
with a deadline, as opposed to a timeout.
This function is similar to mach_msg()
, with the following differences:
parameter has been replaced by deadline. The deadline applies uniformly to a call that is requested to both send and receive a message.MACH_SEND_TIMEOUT
bits in options are not used. Timeouts are specified by the deadline argument.send_size
parameter has been removed. Its value is implied by message when options contains MACH_SEND_MSG
.Like the mach_msg()
wrapper in libsyscall
, this function will retry operations when experiencing MACH_SEND_INTERRUPTED
, unless options contains MACH_SEND_INTERRUPT
. Unlike mach_msg()
, which restarts the call with the full timeout when this occurs, this function continues enforcing the user-specified deadline.
Except as noted, the parameters and return value are identical to those of mach_msg()
[in,out] | message | |
[in] | options | |
[in] | receive_size | |
[in] | receive_port | |
[in] | deadline | The time by which this call should complete. If the deadline is exceeded, this call will return MACH_SEND_TIMED_OUT or MACH_RCV_TIMED_OUT . |
[in] | notify_port | |
[in] | run_even_if_expired | If true , a deadline that is expired when this function is called will be treated as though a deadline of kMachMessageDeadlineNonblocking had been specified. When false , an expired deadline will result in a MACH_SEND_TIMED_OUT or MACH_RCV_TIMED_OUT return value, even if the deadline is already expired when the function is called. |
thread_t crashpad::MachThreadSelf | ( | ) |
Like mach_thread_self()
, but without the obligation to release the send right.
returns a send right to the current thread port, incrementing its reference count. This burdens the caller with maintaining this send right, and calling mach_port_deallocate()
when it is no longer needed. This is burdensome, and is at odds with the normal operation of mach_task_self()
, which does not increment the task port’s reference count whose result must not be deallocated.
Callers can use this function in preference to mach_thread_self()
. This function returns an extant reference to the current thread’s port without incrementing its reference count.
without incrementing its reference count. The returned port must not be deallocated by mach_port_deallocate()
. The returned value is valid as long as the thread continues to exist as a pthread_t
. void crashpad::MacModelAndBoard | ( | std::string * | model, |
std::string * | board_id ) |
Returns the model name and board ID of the running system.
[out] | model | The system’s model name. A mid-2012 15" MacBook Pro would report “MacBookPro10,1”. |
[out] | board_id | The system’s board ID. A mid-2012 15" MacBook Pro would report “Mac-C3EC7CD22292981F”. |
If a value cannot be determined, its string is cleared.
bool crashpad::MacOSVersionComponents | ( | int * | major, |
int * | minor, | ||
int * | bugfix, | ||
std::string * | build, | ||
std::string * | version_string ) |
Returns the version of the running operating system.
All parameters are required. No parameter may be nullptr
[out] | major | The major version of the operating system, such as 10 for macOS 10.12.1. |
[out] | minor | The major version of the operating system, such as 12 for macOS 10.12.1. |
[out] | bugfix | The bugfix version of the operating system, such as 1 for macOS 10.12.1. |
[out] | build | The operating system’s build string, such as "16B2657" for macOS 10.12.1. |
[out] | version_string | A string representing the full operating system version, such as "macOS 10.12.1 (16B2657)" . |
on success, false
on failure, with an error message logged. A failure is considered to have occurred if any element could not be determined. When this happens, their values will be untouched, but other values that could be determined will still be set properly. int crashpad::MacOSVersionNumber | ( | ) |
Returns the version of the running operating system.
for macOS 10.15.6.The format of the return value matches what is used by the <Availability.h> __MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED
, and per-version __MAC_*
macros, for versions since OS X 10.10.
On macOS 10.13.4 and later, this function will return the major, minor, and bugfix components combined into a single number. On older OS versions, only the major and minor components will be returned, and the bugfix component will always be reported as 0. By contrast, MacOSVersionComponents() always returns the bugfix component.
bool crashpad::MapInsertOrReplace | ( | T * | map, |
const typename T::key_type & | key, | ||
const typename T::mapped_type & | value, | ||
typename T::mapped_type * | old_value ) |
Inserts a mapping from key to value into map, or replaces an existing mapping so that key maps to value.
This behaves similarly to std::map<>::insert_or_assign()
proposed for C++17, except that the old_value parameter is added.
[in,out] | map | The map to operate on. |
[in] | key | The key that should be mapped to value. |
[in] | value | The value that key should map to. |
[out] | old_value | If key was previously present in map, this will be set to its previous value. This parameter is optional and may be nullptr if this information is not required. |
if key was previously present in map. If old_value is not nullptr
, it will be set to the previous value. true
if key was not present in the map and was inserted. bool crashpad::MoveFileOrDirectory | ( | const base::FilePath & | source, |
const base::FilePath & | dest ) |
Moves a file, symbolic link, or directory, logging a message on failure.
source must exist and refer to a file, symbolic link, or directory.
source and dest must be on the same filesystem.
If dest exists, it may be overwritten:
If dest exists and refers to a file or to a live or dangling symbolic link to a file, it will be overwritten if source also refers to a file or to a live or dangling symbolic link to a file or directory.
On POSIX, if dest refers to a directory, it will be overwritten only if it is empty and source also refers to a directory.
On Windows, if dest refers to a directory or to a live or dangling symbolic link to a directory, it will not be overwritten.
[in] | source | The path to the file to be moved. |
[in] | dest | The new path for the file. |
on success. false
on failure with a message logged. mach_port_t crashpad::NewMachPort | ( | mach_port_right_t | right | ) |
Creates a new Mach port in the current task.
This function wraps the mach_port_allocate()
providing a simpler interface.
[in] | right | The type of right to create. |
with a message logged. FileHandle crashpad::OpenFileForRead | ( | const base::FilePath & | path | ) |
Wraps open()
or CreateFile()
, opening an existing file for reading.
FileHandle crashpad::OpenFileForReadAndWrite | ( | const base::FilePath & | path, |
FileWriteMode | mode, | ||
FilePermissions | permissions ) |
Wraps open()
or CreateFile()
, creating a file for both input and output.
mode determines the style (truncate, reuse, etc.) that is used to open the file. On POSIX, permissions determines the value that is passed as mode
to open()
. On Windows, the file is always opened in binary mode (that is, no CRLF translation). On Windows, the file is opened for sharing, see LoggingLockFile() and LoggingUnlockFile() to control concurrent access.
FileHandle crashpad::OpenFileForWrite | ( | const base::FilePath & | path, |
FileWriteMode | mode, | ||
FilePermissions | permissions ) |
Wraps open()
or CreateFile()
, creating a file for output.
mode determines the style (truncate, reuse, etc.) that is used to open the file. On POSIX, permissions determines the value that is passed as mode
to open()
. On Windows, the file is always opened in binary mode (that is, no CRLF translation). On Windows, the file is opened for sharing, see LoggingLockFile() and LoggingUnlockFile() to control concurrent access.
void crashpad::PrepareMIGReplyFromRequest | ( | const mach_msg_header_t * | in_header, |
mach_msg_header_t * | out_header ) |
Initializes a reply message for a MIG server routine based on its corresponding request.
If a request is handled by a server routine, it may be necessary to revise some of the fields set by this function, such as msgh_size
and any fields defined in a routine’s reply structure type.
[in] | in_header | The request message to base the reply on. |
[out] | out_header | The reply message to initialize. out_header will be treated as a mig_reply_error_t* and all of its fields will be set except for RetCode , which must be set by SetMIGReplyError(). This argument is accepted as a mach_msg_header_t* instead of a mig_reply_error_t* because that is the type that callers are expected to possess in the C API. |
size_t crashpad::PruneCrashReportDatabase | ( | CrashReportDatabase * | database, |
PruneCondition * | condition ) |
Deletes crash reports from database that match condition.
This function can be used to remove old or large reports from the database. The condition will be evaluated against each report in the database, sorted in descending order by CrashReportDatabase::Report::creation_time. This guarantee allows conditions to be stateful.
[in] | database | The database from which crash reports will be deleted. |
[in] | condition | The condition against which all reports in the database will be evaluated. |
bool crashpad::PtraceAttach | ( | pid_t | pid, |
bool | can_log = true ) |
Attaches to the process with process ID pid and blocks until the target process has stopped by calling waitpid()
pid | The process ID of the process to attach to. |
can_log | Whether this function may log messages on failure. |
on success. false
on failure with a message logged if can_log is true
. bool crashpad::PtraceDetach | ( | pid_t | pid, |
bool | can_log = true ) |
Detaches the process with process ID pid. The process must already be ptrace attached.
pid | The process ID of the process to detach. |
can_log | Whether this function may log messages on failure. |
on success. false
on failure with a message logged if can_log is true
. std::string crashpad::RandomString | ( | ) |
Returns a random string.
The string consists of 16 uppercase characters chosen at random. The returned string has over 75 bits of randomness (2616 > 275).
bool crashpad::ReadAllowedAnnotations | ( | const ProcessMemoryRange & | memory, |
VMAddress | list_address, | ||
std::vector< std::string > * | allowed_annotations ) |
Reads a list of allowed annotations from another process.
[in] | memory | A memory reader for the target process. |
[in] | list_address | The address in the target process' address space of a nullptr terminated array of NUL-terminated strings. |
[out] | allowed_annotations | The list read, valid only if this function returns true . |
on success, false
on failure with a message logged. bool crashpad::ReadAllowedMemoryRanges | ( | const ProcessMemoryRange & | memory, |
VMAddress | list_address, | ||
std::vector< std::pair< VMAddress, VMAddress > > * | allowed_memory_ranges ) |
Reads a list of allowed memory ranges from another process.
[in] | memory | A memory reader for the target process. |
[in] | list_address | The address in the target process' address space of a nullptr terminated array of NUL-terminated strings. |
[out] | allowed_memory_ranges | A list of allowed memory regions, valid only if this function returns true . |
on success, false
on failure with a message logged. FileOperationResult crashpad::ReadFile | ( | FileHandle | file, |
void * | buffer, | ||
size_t | size ) |
Reads from a file, retrying when interrupted before reading any data on POSIX.
This function reads into buffer. Fewer than size bytes may be read. On Windows, reading from sockets is not currently supported.
on error, with errno
or GetLastError()
set appropriately. On error, a portion of file may have been read into buffer.bool crashpad::ReadFileExactly | ( | FileHandle | file, |
void * | buffer, | ||
size_t | size ) |
Wraps ReadFile(), retrying following a short read, ensuring that exactly size bytes are read. Does not log on failure.
on success. Returns false
if the underlying ReadFile() fails or if fewer than size bytes were read.FileOperationResult crashpad::ReadFileUntil | ( | FileHandle | file, |
void * | buffer, | ||
size_t | size ) |
Wraps ReadFile(), retrying following a short read. Does not log on failure.
if the underlying ReadFile() fails.std::string crashpad::ReadStringSysctlByName | ( | const char * | name, |
bool | may_log_enoent ) |
Calls sysctlbyname
to read a string.
[in] | name | The string name of the sysctl to raed. |
[in] | may_log_enoent | If true , allows a warning to be logged if the sysctl is not found, indicated by sysctlbyname setting errno to ENOENT . If false , no warning will be logged if the sysctl is missing, and an empty string will be returned silently. |
bool crashpad::ReadThreadIDs | ( | pid_t | pid, |
std::vector< pid_t > * | tids ) |
Enumerates the thread IDs of a process by reading /proc/pid/task
[in] | pid | The process ID for which to read thread IDs. |
[out] | tids | The read thread IDs. |
if the task directory was successfully read. Format errors are logged, but won't cause this function to return false
. XattrStatus crashpad::ReadXattr | ( | const base::FilePath & | file, |
const base::StringPiece & | name, | ||
std::string * | value ) |
Reads an extended attribute on a file.
[in] | file | The path to the file. |
[in] | name | The name of the extended attribute to read. |
[out] | value | The value of the attribute. |
XattrStatus crashpad::ReadXattrBool | ( | const base::FilePath & | file, |
const base::StringPiece & | name, | ||
bool * | value ) |
Reads an extended attribute on a file.
[in] | file | The path to the file. |
[in] | name | The name of the extended attribute to read. |
[out] | value | The value of the attribute. |
Only the values "0"
and "1"
, for false
and true
respectively, are valid conversions.
XattrStatus crashpad::ReadXattrInt | ( | const base::FilePath & | file, |
const base::StringPiece & | name, | ||
int * | value ) |
Reads an extended attribute on a file.
[in] | file | The path to the file. |
[in] | name | The name of the extended attribute to read. |
[out] | value | The value of the attribute. |
XattrStatus crashpad::ReadXattrTimeT | ( | const base::FilePath & | file, |
const base::StringPiece & | name, | ||
time_t * | value ) |
Reads an extended attribute on a file.
[in] | file | The path to the file. |
[in] | name | The name of the extended attribute to read. |
[out] | value | The value of the attribute. |
void crashpad::RecordFileLimitAnnotation | ( | ) |
Records a "file-limits"
simple annotation for the process.
This annotation will be used to confirm the theory that certain crashes are caused by systems at or near their file descriptor table size limits.
The format of the annotation is four comma-separated values: the system-wide kern.num_files
and kern.maxfiles
values from sysctl()
, and the process-specific current and maximum file descriptor limits from getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, …)
TODO(mark): Remove this annotation after sufficient data has been collected for analysis.
bool crashpad::ReinterpretBytes | ( | const From & | from, |
To * | to ) |
Copies the bytes of from to to.
This function is similar to bit_cast
, except that it can operate on differently sized types.
if the copy is possible without information loss, otherwise false
with a message logged. XattrStatus crashpad::RemoveXattr | ( | const base::FilePath & | file, |
const base::StringPiece & | name ) |
Removes an extended attribute from a file.
[in] | file | The path to the file. |
[in] | name | The name of the extended attribute to remove. |
inline |
Calls TerminateProcess()
has been observed in the wild as being patched badly on 32-bit x86: it’s patched with code adhering to the cdecl
(caller clean-up) convention, although it’s supposed to be stdcall
(callee clean-up). The mix-up means that neither caller nor callee perform parameter clean-up from the stack, causing the stack pointer to have an unexpected value on return from the patched function. This typically results in a crash shortly thereafter. See Crashpad bug 179.
On 32-bit x86, this replacement function calls TerminateProcess()
without making any assumptions about the stack pointer on its return. As such, it’s compatible with the badly patched cdecl
version as well as the native stdcall
version (and other less badly patched versions).
Elsewhere, this function calls TerminateProcess()
directly without any additional fanfare.
Call this function instead of TerminateProcess()
anywhere that TerminateProcess()
would normally be called.
bool crashpad::SendToCrashHandlerServer | ( | const std::wstring & | pipe_name, |
const ClientToServerMessage & | message, | ||
ServerToClientMessage * | response ) |
Connect over the given pipe_name, passing message to the server, storing the server's reply into response.
Typically clients will not use this directly, instead using CrashpadClient::SetHandler().
bool crashpad::ServiceManagementIsJobLoaded | ( | const std::string & | label | ) |
Determines whether a specified job is loaded in the user launchd domain.
[in] | label | The label for the job to look up. |
if the job is loaded, otherwise false
is deprecated in OS X 10.10. It may or may not be implemented using SMJobCopyDictionary()
from ServiceManagement.framework
. pid_t crashpad::ServiceManagementIsJobRunning | ( | const std::string & | label | ) |
Determines whether a specified job is running in the user launchd domain.
[in] | label | The label for the job to look up. |
is deprecated in OS X 10.10. It may or may not be implemented using SMJobCopyDictionary()
from ServiceManagement.framework
. bool crashpad::ServiceManagementRemoveJob | ( | const std::string & | label, |
bool | wait ) |
Removes a job from the user launchd domain as in SMJobRemove()
[in] | label | The label for the job to remove. |
[in] | wait | true if this function should block, waiting for the job to be removed. false if the job may be removed asynchronously. |
if the job was removed successfully or if an asynchronous attempt to remove the job was started successfully, otherwise false
is deprecated in OS X 10.10. On OS X 10.10, observed in DP8 14A361c, it also blocks for far too long (_block_until_job_exits()
contains a one-second sleep()
, filed as radar 18398683) and does not signal failure via its return value when asked to remove a nonexistent job (filed as radar 18268941). bool crashpad::ServiceManagementSubmitJob | ( | CFDictionaryRef | job_cf | ) |
Submits a job to the user launchd domain as in SMJobSubmit()
[in] | job_cf | A dictionary describing a job. |
if the job was submitted successfully, otherwise false
is deprecated in OS X 10.10. It may or may not be implemented using SMJobSubmit()
from ServiceManagement.framework
. void crashpad::SetMIGReplyError | ( | mach_msg_header_t * | out_header, |
kern_return_t | error ) |
Sets the error code in a reply message for a MIG server routine.
[in,out] | out_header | The reply message to operate on. out_header will be treated as a mig_reply_error_t* and its RetCode field will be set. This argument is accepted as a mach_msg_header_t* instead of a mig_reply_error_t* because that is the type that callers are expected to possess in the C API. |
[in] | error | The error code to store in out_header. |
std::string crashpad::SignalToString | ( | int | signal, |
SymbolicConstantToStringOptions | options ) |
Converts a POSIX signal value to a textual representation.
[in] | signal | The signal value to convert. |
[in] | options | Options affecting the conversion. kUseOr is ignored. For kUnknownIsNumeric, the format is "%d" . |
void crashpad::SimulateCrash | ( | const NativeCPUContext & | cpu_context | ) |
Simulates a exception without crashing.
This function searches for an EXC_CRASH
handler in the same manner that the kernel does, and sends it an exception message to that handler in the format that the handler expects, considering the behavior and thread state flavor that are registered for it. The exception sent to the handler will be kMachExceptionSimulated, not EXC_CRASH
Typically, the CRASHPAD_SIMULATE_CRASH() macro will be used in preference to this function, because it combines the context-capture operation with the raising of a simulated exception.
This function returns normally after the exception message is processed. If no valid handler was found, or no handler processed the exception successfully, a warning will be logged, but these conditions are not considered fatal.
[in] | cpu_context | The thread state to pass to the exception handler as the exception context, provided that it is compatible with the thread state flavor that the exception handler accepts. If it is not compatible, the correct thread state for the handler will be obtained by calling thread_get_state() . |
void crashpad::SleepNanoseconds | ( | uint64_t | nanoseconds | ) |
Sleeps for the specified duration.
[in] | nanoseconds | The number of nanoseconds to sleep. The actual sleep may be slightly longer due to latencies and timer resolution. |
On POSIX, this function is resilient against the underlying nanosleep()
system call being interrupted by a signal.
bool crashpad::SpawnSubprocess | ( | const std::vector< std::string > & | argv, |
const std::vector< std::string > * | envp, | ||
int | preserve_fd, | ||
bool | use_path, | ||
void(* | child_function )() ) |
Spawns a subprocess.
A grandchild process will be started through the fork()
pattern where supported, and double-fork()
pattern elsewhere. This allows the grandchild to fully disassociate from the parent. The grandchild will not be a member of the parent’s process group or session and will not have a controlling terminal, providing isolation from signals not intended for it. The grandchild’s parent process, in terms of the process tree hierarchy, will be the process with process ID 1, relieving any other process of the responsibility to reap it via waitpid()
. Aside from the three file descriptors associated with the standard input/output streams and any file descriptor passed in preserve_fd, the grandchild will not inherit any file descriptors from the parent process.
[in] | argv | The argument vector to start the grandchild process with. argv[0] is used as the path to the executable. |
[in] | envp | A vector of environment variables of the form var=value to be passed to the spawned process. If this value is nullptr , the current environment is used. |
[in] | preserve_fd | A file descriptor to be inherited by the grandchild process. This file descriptor is inherited in addition to the three file descriptors associated with the standard input/output streams. Use -1 if no additional file descriptors are to be inherited. |
[in] | use_path | Whether to consult the PATH environment variable when requested to start an executable at a non-absolute path. |
[in] | child_function | If not nullptr , this function will be called in the intermediate child process. Take note that this function will run in the context of a forked process, and must be safe for that purpose. |
on success, and false
on failure with a message logged. Only failures that occur in the parent process that indicate a definite failure to start the the grandchild are reported in the return value. Failures in the intermediate child or grandchild processes cannot be reported in the return value, and are addressed by logging a message and terminating. The caller assumes the responsibility for detecting such failures, for example, by observing a failure to perform a successful handshake with the grandchild process. std::vector< std::string > crashpad::SplitString | ( | const std::string & | string, |
char | delimiter ) |
Splits a string into multiple parts on the given delimiter.
[in] | string | The string to split. |
[in] | delimiter | The delimiter to split at. |
bool crashpad::SplitStringFirst | ( | const std::string & | string, |
char | delimiter, | ||
std::string * | left, | ||
std::string * | right ) |
Splits a string into two parts at the first delimiter found.
[in] | string | The string to split. |
[in] | delimiter | The delimiter to split at. |
[out] | left | The portion of string up to, but not including, the first delimiter character. |
[out] | right | The portion of string after the first delimiter character. |
if string was split successfully. false
if string did not contain a delimiter character or began with a delimiter character. FileHandle crashpad::StdioFileHandle | ( | StdioStream | stdio_stream | ) |
Returns a FileHandle corresponding to the requested standard I/O stream.
The returned FileHandle should not be closed on POSIX, where it is important to maintain valid file descriptors occupying the slots reserved for these streams. If a need to close such a stream arises on POSIX, dup2()
should instead be used to replace the existing file descriptor with one opened to /dev/null
. See CloseStdinAndStdout().
[in] | stdio_stream | The requested standard I/O stream. |
bool crashpad::StringToException | ( | const base::StringPiece & | string, |
StringToSymbolicConstantOptions | options, | ||
exception_type_t * | exception ) |
Converts a string to its corresponding Mach exception value.
[in] | string | The string to convert. |
[in] | options | Options affecting the conversion. kAllowOr is ignored. |
[out] | exception | The converted Mach exception value. |
on success, false
if string could not be converted as requested. bool crashpad::StringToExceptionBehavior | ( | const base::StringPiece & | string, |
StringToSymbolicConstantOptions | options, | ||
exception_behavior_t * | behavior ) |
Converts a string to its corresponding Mach exception behavior value.
[in] | string | The string to convert. |
[in] | options | Options affecting the conversion. kAllowOr is ignored. MACH_EXCEPTION_CODES can always be ORed in, but no other values can be ORed with each other. |
[out] | behavior | The converted Mach exception behavior value. |
on success, false
if string could not be converted as requested. bool crashpad::StringToExceptionMask | ( | const base::StringPiece & | string, |
StringToSymbolicConstantOptions | options, | ||
exception_mask_t * | exception_mask ) |
Converts a string to its corresponding Mach exception mask value.
[in] | string | The string to convert. |
[in] | options | Options affecting the conversion. kAllowOr is honored. |
[out] | exception_mask | The converted Mach exception mask value. |
on success, false
if string could not be converted as requested. bool crashpad::StringToNumber | ( | const std::string & | string, |
int * | number ) |
Convert a string to a number.
A conversion will only be performed if it can be done perfectly: if string contains no leading or trailing characters (including whitespace) other than the number to convert, and does not overflow the targeted data type.
[in] | string | The string to convert to a number. As in strtol() with a base parameter of 0 , the string is treated as decimal unless it begins with a "0x" or "0X" prefix, in which case it is treated as hexadecimal, or a "0" prefix, in which case it is treated as octal. |
[out] | number | The converted number. This will only be set if a perfect conversion can be performed. |
if a perfect conversion could be performed, with number set appropriately. false
if a perfect conversion was not possible.base/strings/string_number_conversions.h
doesn’t allow arbitrary bases based on whether the string begins with a prefix indicating its base. The functions here are provided for situations where such prefix recognition is desirable. bool crashpad::StringToNumber | ( | const std::string & | string, |
long * | number ) |
Convert a string to a number.
A conversion will only be performed if it can be done perfectly: if string contains no leading or trailing characters (including whitespace) other than the number to convert, and does not overflow the targeted data type.
[in] | string | The string to convert to a number. As in strtol() with a base parameter of 0 , the string is treated as decimal unless it begins with a "0x" or "0X" prefix, in which case it is treated as hexadecimal, or a "0" prefix, in which case it is treated as octal. |
[out] | number | The converted number. This will only be set if a perfect conversion can be performed. |
if a perfect conversion could be performed, with number set appropriately. false
if a perfect conversion was not possible.base/strings/string_number_conversions.h
doesn’t allow arbitrary bases based on whether the string begins with a prefix indicating its base. The functions here are provided for situations where such prefix recognition is desirable. bool crashpad::StringToNumber | ( | const std::string & | string, |
long long * | number ) |
Convert a string to a number.
A conversion will only be performed if it can be done perfectly: if string contains no leading or trailing characters (including whitespace) other than the number to convert, and does not overflow the targeted data type.
[in] | string | The string to convert to a number. As in strtol() with a base parameter of 0 , the string is treated as decimal unless it begins with a "0x" or "0X" prefix, in which case it is treated as hexadecimal, or a "0" prefix, in which case it is treated as octal. |
[out] | number | The converted number. This will only be set if a perfect conversion can be performed. |
if a perfect conversion could be performed, with number set appropriately. false
if a perfect conversion was not possible.base/strings/string_number_conversions.h
doesn’t allow arbitrary bases based on whether the string begins with a prefix indicating its base. The functions here are provided for situations where such prefix recognition is desirable. bool crashpad::StringToNumber | ( | const std::string & | string, |
unsigned int * | number ) |
Convert a string to a number.
A conversion will only be performed if it can be done perfectly: if string contains no leading or trailing characters (including whitespace) other than the number to convert, and does not overflow the targeted data type.
[in] | string | The string to convert to a number. As in strtol() with a base parameter of 0 , the string is treated as decimal unless it begins with a "0x" or "0X" prefix, in which case it is treated as hexadecimal, or a "0" prefix, in which case it is treated as octal. |
[out] | number | The converted number. This will only be set if a perfect conversion can be performed. |
if a perfect conversion could be performed, with number set appropriately. false
if a perfect conversion was not possible.base/strings/string_number_conversions.h
doesn’t allow arbitrary bases based on whether the string begins with a prefix indicating its base. The functions here are provided for situations where such prefix recognition is desirable. bool crashpad::StringToNumber | ( | const std::string & | string, |
unsigned long * | number ) |
Convert a string to a number.
A conversion will only be performed if it can be done perfectly: if string contains no leading or trailing characters (including whitespace) other than the number to convert, and does not overflow the targeted data type.
[in] | string | The string to convert to a number. As in strtol() with a base parameter of 0 , the string is treated as decimal unless it begins with a "0x" or "0X" prefix, in which case it is treated as hexadecimal, or a "0" prefix, in which case it is treated as octal. |
[out] | number | The converted number. This will only be set if a perfect conversion can be performed. |
if a perfect conversion could be performed, with number set appropriately. false
if a perfect conversion was not possible.base/strings/string_number_conversions.h
doesn’t allow arbitrary bases based on whether the string begins with a prefix indicating its base. The functions here are provided for situations where such prefix recognition is desirable. bool crashpad::StringToNumber | ( | const std::string & | string, |
unsigned long long * | number ) |
Convert a string to a number.
A conversion will only be performed if it can be done perfectly: if string contains no leading or trailing characters (including whitespace) other than the number to convert, and does not overflow the targeted data type.
[in] | string | The string to convert to a number. As in strtol() with a base parameter of 0 , the string is treated as decimal unless it begins with a "0x" or "0X" prefix, in which case it is treated as hexadecimal, or a "0" prefix, in which case it is treated as octal. |
[out] | number | The converted number. This will only be set if a perfect conversion can be performed. |
if a perfect conversion could be performed, with number set appropriately. false
if a perfect conversion was not possible.base/strings/string_number_conversions.h
doesn’t allow arbitrary bases based on whether the string begins with a prefix indicating its base. The functions here are provided for situations where such prefix recognition is desirable. bool crashpad::StringToSignal | ( | const base::StringPiece & | string, |
StringToSymbolicConstantOptions | options, | ||
int * | signal ) |
Converts a string to its corresponding POSIX signal value.
[in] | string | The string to convert. |
[in] | options | Options affecting the conversion. kAllowOr is ignored. |
[out] | signal | The converted POSIX signal value. |
on success, false
if string could not be converted as requested. bool crashpad::StringToThreadStateFlavor | ( | const base::StringPiece & | string, |
StringToSymbolicConstantOptions | options, | ||
thread_state_flavor_t * | flavor ) |
Converts a string to its corresponding thread state flavor value.
[in] | string | The string to convert. |
[in] | options | Options affecting the conversion. kAllowOr is ignored. |
[out] | flavor | The converted thread state flavor value. |
on success, false
if string could not be converted as requested. void crashpad::StringVectorToCStringVector | ( | const std::vector< std::string > & | strings, |
std::vector< const char * > * | c_strings ) |
Flattens a string vector into a const char* vector suitable for use in an exec() call.
[in] | strings | A vector of string data. This vector must remain valid for the lifetime of c_strings. |
[out] | c_strings | A vector of pointers to the string data in strings. |
inline |
Returns the length of a string, not to exceed a maximum.
[in] | string | The string whose length is to be calculated. |
[in] | max_length | The maximum length to return. |
byte found, not exceeding max_length.base::apple::ScopedMachSendRight crashpad::SystemCrashReporterHandler | ( | ) |
Obtains the system’s default Mach exception handler for crash-type exceptions.
This is obtained by looking up ""
with the bootstrap server. The service name comes from the first launch agent loaded by launchd
with a MachServices
entry having ExceptionServer
set. This launch agent is normally loaded from /System/Library/LaunchAgents/
corresponding to the system’s default crash reporter. On failure, MACH_PORT_NULL
, with a message logged. task_t crashpad::TaskForPID | ( | pid_t | pid | ) |
Wraps task_for_pid()
This function exists to support task_for_pid()
access checks in a setuid environment. Normally, task_for_pid()
can only return an arbitrary task’s port when running as root or when taskgated(8) approves. When not running as root, a series of access checks are perfomed to ensure that the running process has permission to obtain the other process’ task port.
It is possible to make an executable setuid root to give it broader task_for_pid()
access by bypassing taskgated(8) checks, but this also has the effect of bypassing the access checks, allowing any process’ task port to be obtained. In most situations, these access checks are desirable to prevent security and privacy breaches.
When running as setuid root, this function wraps task_for_pid()
, reimplementing those access checks. A process whose effective user ID is 0 and whose real user ID is nonzero is understood to be running setuid root. In this case, the requested task’s real, effective, and saved set-user IDs must all equal the running process’ real user ID, the requested task must not have changed privileges, and the requested task’s set of all group IDs (including its real, effective, and saved set-group IDs and supplementary group list) must be a subset of the running process’ set of all group IDs. These access checks mimic those that the kernel performs.
When not running as setuid root, task_for_pid()
is called directly, without imposing any additional checks beyond what the kernel does.
[in] | pid | The process ID of the task whose task port is desired. |
otherwise, with an error message logged. If a send right is returned, the caller takes ownership of it. std::string crashpad::ThreadStateFlavorToString | ( | thread_state_flavor_t | flavor, |
SymbolicConstantToStringOptions | options ) |
Converts a thread state flavor value to a textual representation.
[in] | flavor | The thread state flavor value to convert. |
[in] | options | Options affecting the conversion. kUseOr is ignored. For kUnknownIsNumeric, the format is "%d" . |
bool crashpad::TimespecToTimeval | ( | const timespec & | ts, |
timeval * | tv ) |
Convert the timespec ts to a timeval tv.
if the assignment is possible without truncation. kern_return_t crashpad::UniversalExceptionRaise | ( | exception_behavior_t | behavior, |
exception_handler_t | exception_port, | ||
thread_t | thread, | ||
task_t | task, | ||
exception_type_t | exception, | ||
const mach_exception_data_type_t * | code, | ||
mach_msg_type_number_t | code_count, | ||
thread_state_flavor_t * | flavor, | ||
ConstThreadState | old_state, | ||
mach_msg_type_number_t | old_state_count, | ||
thread_state_t | new_state, | ||
mach_msg_type_number_t * | new_state_count ) |
Calls the appropriate *exception_raise*()
function for the specified behavior.
The function called will be exception_raise()
, exception_raise_state()
, or exception_raise_state_identity()
is also set, the function called will instead be mach_exception_raise()
, mach_exception_raise_state()
or mach_exception_raise_state_identity()
, respectively.
This function does not fetch the existing thread state for behavior values that require a thread state. The caller must provide the existing thread state in the flavor, old_state, and old_state_count parameters for behavior values that require a thread state. Thread states may be obtained by calling thread_get_state()
if needed. Similarly, this function does not do anything with the new thread state returned for these behavior values. Callers that wish to make use of the new thread state may do so by using the returned flavor, new_state, and new_state_count values. Thread states may be set by calling thread_set_state()
if needed.
thread and task are only used when behavior indicates that the exception message will carry identity information, when it has the value EXCEPTION_DEFAULT
, possibly with MACH_EXCEPTION_CODES
also set. In other cases, these parameters are unused and may be set to THREAD_NULL
, respectively.
flavor, old_state, old_state_count, new_state, and new_state_count are only used when behavior indicates that the exception message will carry thread state information, when it has the value EXCEPTION_STATE
, possibly with MACH_EXCEPTION_CODES
also set. In other cases, these parameters are unused and may be set to 0
(old_state_count) or nullptr
(the remaining parameters).
Except as noted, the parameters and return value are equivalent to those of the *exception_raise*()
family of functions.
[in] | behavior | The exception behavior, which dictates which function will be called. It is an error to call this function with an invalid value for behavior. |
[in] | exception_port | |
[in] | thread | |
[in] | task | |
[in] | exception | |
[in] | code | If behavior indicates a behavior without MACH_EXCEPTION_CODES , the elements of code will be truncated in order to be passed to the appropriate exception handler. |
[in] | code_count | |
[in,out] | flavor | |
[in] | old_state | |
[in] | old_state_count | |
[out] | new_state | |
[out] | new_state_count |
std::string crashpad::URLEncode | ( | const std::string & | url | ) |
Performs percent-encoding (URL encoding) on the input string, following RFC 3986 paragraph 2.
[in] | url | The string to be encoded. |
bool crashpad::WriteFile | ( | FileHandle | file, |
const void * | buffer, | ||
size_t | size ) |
Writes to a file, retrying when interrupted on POSIX or following a short write.
This function writes to file, stopping only when size bytes have been written.
on success. false
on error, with errno
or GetLastError()
set appropriately. On error, a portion of buffer may have been written to file.bool crashpad::WriteXattr | ( | const base::FilePath & | file, |
const base::StringPiece & | name, | ||
const std::string & | value ) |
Writes an extended attribute on a file.
[in] | file | The path to the file. |
[in] | name | The name of the extended attribute to write. |
[in] | value | The value of the attribute. |
if the write was successful. false
on error, with a message logged. bool crashpad::WriteXattrBool | ( | const base::FilePath & | file, |
const base::StringPiece & | name, | ||
bool | value ) |
Writes an extended attribute on a file.
[in] | file | The path to the file. |
[in] | name | The name of the extended attribute to write. |
[in] | value | The value of the attribute. |
if the write was successful. false
on error, with a message logged. bool crashpad::WriteXattrInt | ( | const base::FilePath & | file, |
const base::StringPiece & | name, | ||
int | value ) |
Writes an extended attribute on a file.
[in] | file | The path to the file. |
[in] | name | The name of the extended attribute to write. |
[in] | value | The value of the attribute. |
if the write was successful. false
on error, with a message logged. bool crashpad::WriteXattrTimeT | ( | const base::FilePath & | file, |
const base::StringPiece & | name, | ||
time_t | value ) |
Writes an extended attribute on a file.
[in] | file | The path to the file. |
[in] | name | The name of the extended attribute to write. |
[in] | value | The value of the attribute. |
if the write was successful. false
on error, with a message logged. std::string crashpad::ZlibErrorString | ( | int | zr | ) |
Formats a string for an error received from the zlib library.
[in] | zr | A zlib result code, such as Z_STREAM_ERROR . |
int crashpad::ZlibWindowBitsWithGzipWrapper | ( | int | window_bits | ) |
Obtain a window_bits parameter to pass to deflateInit2()
or inflateInit2()
that specifies a gzip
wrapper instead of the default zlib wrapper.
[in] | window_bits | A window_bits value that only specifies the base-2 logarithm of the deflate sliding window size. |
wrapper, to be passed to deflateInit2()
or inflateInit2()
. TestCrashpadInfo crashpad::g_test_crashpad_info |
constexpr |
with the correct type for a Mach exception behavior, exception_behavior_t
Signedness problems can occur when ORing MACH_EXCEPTION_CODES
as a signed integer, because a signed integer overflow results. This constant can be used instead of MACH_EXCEPTION_CODES
in such cases.
constexpr |
A Mach message option specifying that an audit trailer should be delivered during a receive operation.
This constant is provided because the macros normally used to request this behavior are cumbersome.
constexpr |
with the correct type for a Mach port, mach_port_t
For situations where implicit conversions between signed and unsigned types are not performed, use kMachPortNull instead of an explicit implicit_cast
to mach_port_t
. This is useful for logging and testing assertions.
constexpr |
The maximum number of crashpad::Annotations that will be read from a client process.
constexpr |
Offset of first xsave feature in the full extended context.
This is used to calculate the final size of the extended context, and can be validated by calling InitializeContext2 with one XSTATE feature, and LocateXStateFeature to determine the first offset. Also see “MANAGING STATE USING THE XSAVE FEATURE SET”, Ch. 13, Intel SDM.
constexpr |
Offset of first xsave feature within the extended context area.
0x240 is the size of the legacy area (512) + the xsave header(64 bytes) Intel SDM 13.4.1. This is not where the item is in the extended compacted context, but is the offset recorded in the minidump. It needs to be correct there. See for some discussion “CONTEXT_XSTATE: Extended processor state chunk. The state is stored in the same format the XSAVE operation stores it with exception of the first 512 bytes, i.e. starting from XSAVE_AREA_HEADER.” This may vary by cpuid.